7: Do You Need Help?

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[AN: Previous chapter: Meyer learned of royalty whippings. Gavin takes Phuwin's punishment. He is granted to study socialism by the king.]

7: Do You Need Help?

Gavin loves his new freedom.

It was just one subject, but he would wake up early in the morning without a need for Meyer to prod him awake. Every Monday and Friday, he will be fetched by their limousine and be brought to the university the king had picked. He can sometimes meet Kao who is taking up a few subjects. They can be seen together eating lunch flanked by bully-looking bodyguards.

The girls were ecstatic to see additional royal blood at school. Gavin was rarely seen outside and the times he could be seen, people gawk at his beauty. The professor for socialism blinked rapidly when he checked the attendance the first time as if smitten.

His codename at Clove suits him well: Aphrodite.

Meyer heard a click. A second after, Zee had moved lightning fast to grab a classmate's wrist, took her phone, and quickly deleted a photo she had snapped. She squeaked in fright.

"I'm sorry miss. No taking of pictures, please." Zee said.

Instead of getting scared, the rest of the class were amazed at what had happened. Aside from Gavin, their classroom also gained two handsome bodyguards. Meyer and Zee always stand behind him during the whole hour lecture. It was one heck of boring work in Meyer's opinion.

The bell rang and they all groaned for it will be the following week when they will see Gavin next.

"Bye Prince Gavin!"

"Please come to school next week."

"If you need help studying, I'll gladly assist!"

Gavin smiled at them which elicited loud squeals. Even as he left the classroom, there were students from other classes who waited for him just so they can steal glances.

The screaming got louder as Kao greeted them.

"Done with classes? You mentioned you like to eat Thai food, right?" Kao said. "There's a restaurant near here that serves it, want to try?"

Gavin was more than willing. He did not want to return yet because it will be another three days before he can go out.

"Sure!" he said.

So they all went to a nearby restaurant in which Prince Kao had reserved a table. His bodyguards were positioned outside, meanwhile, Zee and Meyer guarded the inside.

"How's your first few weeks in school?" asked Kao.

"It's fun. There's nothing much to do yet except homework." Gavin said, tasting common food: pork basil. "Wow, this is delicious."

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