8: Lew

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8: Lew

"In tonight's news, world leaders congregate at the universal health summit..."

"It is expected to rain for the rest of the evening until tomorrow morning..."

"Princess Rianne Thanakun is set to marry the Prince of United Kingsland, and will be a much-awaited event for next year. A royal wedding hasn't happened in Higher Island since 30 years ago..."

The dark street and heavy pouring of rain didn't stop him from running. Even as he slipped he didn't stop. The city was covered in a dark cloud, and only the large LED screen of a nearby building was emitting a bright light. It played the news which was useless since there were no people outside in this weather to watch it. Wet, cold, and tired, he limped towards an empty alley to get away from the noisy siren of a police car.

He needed to stay alive.

"Whoaaa!" his foot stepped on a puddle and eventually he fell, palms and knees on the ground. The thing he was holding rolled on the mud and he had no energy left to pick it up. If he's going to live, what's the point? Isn't dying now better?

Why does he need to live?

The patrol car zoomed past but no police got down to arrest him. He let himself collapse, not caring if he gets soaked in mud. He's wet from the rain anyway. His brother got buried 6ft. down, alone and unknowing. What's the difference?

When he was sure that the police didn't care about him, he willed himself to crawl. The thing he dropped lays there innocent as if mocking him. He tired himself out to steal it, but in the end, his efforts were useless.

Just like his life for the past months.

Slowly, his fingers inched towards the cold bullet that killed his brother. He had a gun in his pocket which he bought at a dark market earlier. He was busy making money abroad with the intention to save up and bring his brother with him. Little did he know, Ohm got in trouble with someone at work.

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