4: Twelfth Century

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[AN: If you see this border, it means the start and end of the flashback.

In case you are not following me, I have posted a question on my board. I asked if changing the names of the characters affect your reading or imagination of them? If you were one of those who answered, thank you for your inputs! I can't reply to all, but I really appreciate it. If you haven't answered, please comment your views about it.

Ex: Mew to Meyer and Gulf to Gavin.


4: Twelfth Century

Princess Rianne's wedding was the talk of the country for several days. Due to family traditions, she can't be the heir to the throne, so naturally, the next in line was her full brother, Kao. Gavin is the third and illegitimate child, born from one drunken night of the king. Rianne and Kao have a younger brother, Phuwin who is not yet of the right age to take up any position.

The queen and princess feared that Gavin might be considered as an heir. Kao is book intelligent but very hesitant. He was also sickly when he was a baby. Because of this, the advisers are looking into shaping up Gavin who was not interested at all in this monarchy thing but is very smart. The women weren't convinced.

This is the reason why his everyday life was not enviable. His step-mother and half-sister treat him like dirt, while the king was either uninformed or silent about it. Sure, he gains money without doing anything, but he also can't spend his money however he likes. He can't come out as gay because it would be a huge scandal to the entire royalty. Everything he wants, he does in silence and caution. Failing to do so will result in his secret execution.

Gavin played the piano as Meyer watched. The palace he lives in is huge, but the queen had him separated to live in the south wing – a good 5-minute drive from the north wing where the rest resides. At first he felt like an outcast but he realized that this was better. No prying eyes from his stepmother and half-sister. Away from the eyes of their advisers and butt-kissers. Here at least he was somewhat free.

But it was very lonely.

Today, he was sulking. He had been called to the north wing just to be reprimanded by the queen in front of many advisers for the sole reason of disappearing on two accounts during the wedding reception.

"Why the fuck is she being nitpicky?!" he rammed his fingers on the keys angrily. "I'm sure she doesn't want me to attend, and now she complains that I wasn't seen! Damn it!"

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