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Vanessa's POV

It had been 1 year living in Croatia working for Brody and it was different. I no longer operated nor saved peoples lives like i did a year ago, Steve was still in his line of work, but he missed the action Five-0 had.
Belinda is a beautiful girl and already walks on her own, independent already, just like har momma.
It was a normal day  today, we usually wake up around 7 am since the companies here start only at 9:30.
Steve and I woke up and started working out at our new apartment, it had a nice space outdoors that we do our exercises at, it had a beautiful view and when the winter came it had a glass, so we still use it when the snow falls on the glass.
"You've gotten better"
"I know, i finally can last more than 10 minutes doing cardio" the former doctor responded to her husband while grabbing her water bottle at their break
"So, today we do arms and core?" Steve asked looking into her hazel eyes
"Yes, no challenges today, my arms are crying from Monday still"
"Fine, let's begin then"

When we finished we headed to the shower, Belinda was up and she joined us. She had a fever today, witch got me a little worried, but that's normal, it's flu season and she just got her shots, so i bathed her and put on some warm clothes.
"Big presentation today huh?"
"Yes, I'm quite nervous"
"Don't worry babe, you gonna do great"
Steve kissed me and headed out the door with Belinda to drop her off at the company's daycare right at the office. Today my work place would be a strange office with strange people. Brody counted on me to land this marketing today and I couldn't let him down.
When I got to this tall mirrored building my body shivered, never been so nervous besides when performing surgery, or in this case when I DID surgery. 
The cold breeze made me rush to get inside the office and prepare for my presentation, but a loud noise made me stop right where I was, the explosion noise was up the stairs and when I looked to my right I saw people running out the service door and going out the building.
For a moment there, I couldn't get my feet to move, my brain with its survival system on, was telling me to get out, but my surgeon brain was telling me to run towards the danger and save those people. Pictures of Belinda and Steve were popping on my mind while someone dragged me out.
"You were going go die, get out of here!"
The man who saved me talked to me and I ignored it. Instead, I grabbed my phone and called Steve

"Hey babe, how is it going?" Steve said on the other side of the phone call while putting Belinda on the daycare
"You know when you run into dangerous places to save your team?"
I managed to start saying something, yes, re responded with a worried voice.
"Well, that's what I did for many years of my life, I ran into danger to save people, I confronted their diseases, I challenged death every single day of my life, and now it suddenly stopped when we had to run"
"Vanessa, you are making no sense right now, what's going on?"
"The building exploded and I am going to save the people that can be saved"
I simply said it and Steve didn't say a word "I don't have much time left babe but I love you, with all my heart I love you, you are my best friend, my partner, my protector, and the best father I could ask for our daughter. Don't ever forget that you are all I ever needed and wanted in my life. If I die saving these people I want you to repeat this to yourself and our daughter every time you start to get mad at me for not being here. I'm simply accepting who I am. I love you"
"You are our hero, we love you, I love you so much that it hurts, I will never have the need to repeat it to myself, cuz you will be there to say it to me. Now go save lives, Love you"

When I rung up, I was finally at the middle of the storm, I had walked all the way up to the explosion. It could easily happen again, but I didn't care.
I started to bring people out to a safe space where I could treat them.
Once I bright them out I did my best to keep them alive, there was an old man bleeding through his leg, so I took my shirt off to make a tourniquet with it to stop his bleed, another man had a spine injury I could not treat, but he was fine, wasn't gonna die, at least not until his adrenaline levels were up.
There were total of 10 people I had dragged out of that floor, only one of them was dead, a young woman who had a whole on her abdomen.
When I was ready to go down and direct the firefighters and the rescue team I heard they coming up and I heard someone yelling for help, so instinctively I ran to the yell, when I got close enough I saw it was a kid, a little girl, so I picked her up and started going towards the exit, but before I could reach the exit the floor behind me started to open, so I threw her to safety where I could see the firefighters and seconds later I fell.

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