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Steve's POV
We had finally arrived at our destination. Vanessa wanted a place without beach, she wanted something different, so we came to New York. The plane ride was chaotic to say the least, but we made it safe.
Right now we were in bed, she was already sleeping, me on the other hand was just admiring my gorgeous wife by my side.

The clock hit 3 in the afternoon, Vanessa was a rock by my side when I was woken up by my phone ringing.

-Hey buddy - i answered the call getting up to the balcony of our hotel room
-hello, how was the trip?
- chaotic, Vanessa had to put a hole into some guy's head, so you can imagine how it was - I laughed among with Danny on the other end of the line
-So, i need your help - Danny said afraid of his own next words
-Shoot it
-We got this case and it's liked to someone in New Jersey...
-Man, it's my honeymoon, Mrs. McGarrett here is not gonna like
-C'mon man, just go take a look at the address I sent you and report back - I looked down at my phone to check the address
-Danny... I didn't bring my gun, I'm not putting Vanessa at risk in a situation I cannot protect her in case I need more than just body fight
-I'm sure you can figure it out, call me when you have news, bye.

Danny just hang up and now I had a decision to make, and I really didn't want to have to do it

-You know I married you to officialize that I am your partner right? - Vanessa said behind my back out of nowhere scaring me

-Fuck! You scares me - I said putting my hand on my heart

-Sorry - she giggled - just know that I can help you, we can come up with a story as a cover so you can check whatever it is you need to check - she came closer to me, the wind on her hair and the cold hitting her on beautiful white skin, her checks were pink and it was the cutest thing ever to me

-I'm not putting you in danger, we have no help here, that's not how things work honey, but I appreciate you coming forward to help me - I kissed her forehead and hugged her

-Call him, let him know you are not gonna go down there - she handed my phone and I called him

Danny's POV

-Steve is not helping us - I came into the middle of the room meeting the rest of the team

-of course not perfect hair! He is with his wife on their honeymoon - Lou spoke making fun of my decision to call Steve for help
-Well, i had to try Grover

The day was slow pace even though we had this terrorist to catch.
The team was able to find enough information to pass to Interpol and FBI and they took over the case, like they usually do, and since the Commander McGarrett was not here to tell them they needed our help and maybe convince them to work with us we were off the case, witch was quite good at first, but then, it became boring to just sit at our desks and fill in paper work.

**New York**
-Babe, what about we go out to dinner ? - Vanessa asked her husband in different work for the fifth time
-Please no, I'm tired honey, we slept all day almost and I couldn't close my eyes, I'm sorry, we will go tomorrow ok? - Steve kissed his wife's chicks
-Okay, but what's bordering you?
-I guess is because we are normal citizens here, that's weird and I don't feel safe
-Hey, relax, we are fine and if something happens here, we are gonna deal with it Together ok?
-Okay - Steve gave his wife a reassuring smile and laid his head on her chest hugging her waist. Within minutes he was deep in his sleep

Steve didn't have his gun with him, he didn't have his team near by, he didn't have HPD as backup, he was afraid that something would happen and he wouldn't be able to protect us both, I get it, but I need him to just let it go and relax a bit.

The morning came and Steve was the last to wake up. When he did, Vanessa was not at their hotel room, and a part of him freaked out thinking something happened to her, but then, she walked past the door with the hotel breakfast and a smile on her face

-Good morning love!- she greeted her husband leaving the food on the table next to the bed
-You scared me Love - Steve said his first words of the day
-I know, but we needed food. Now, eat it and let's explore the city ok?
-U the boss - Steve said smiling to Vanessa and starting to eat.

Not long after that they hit the street,the newly married couple did a lot of site seeing and tools lot of photos before they returned to the hotel.

-You know, that guy was totally checking you out - McGarrett talked about the receptionist from the restaurant they are not too long ago

-And?!? Come on, that's no way to look at a married woman - Steve was clearly jealous
-He can look all he wants, i only have eyes for you Steve J McGarrett - Vanessa came closer to her husband, kisses his lips and put her hands on his chest. Her warm touch got his attention while she unbuttoned his shirt. In a few seconds they were naked in the bed with Steve on top of her kissing her neck and with his hands inside her pussy.
The sheets were messy, their bodies were heated and and you could hear was their heavy breaths.
They continued having sex until a knock on the door made them both jump their attention to it

-We can pretend there is no one in here - Vanessa whispered to Steve while he looked up at her, but before he could answer there was another knock on the door and some one saying something

-I know you are there Steve, open the door!

-Is that who I think it is? - Vanessa said looking at her husband upset

-Yes.. what do you want mom?! And how did you get here? - Steve replied opening the door to Doris and some FBI guy

- What is going on?!- Vanessa asked wrapping herself around the blanket

-I need your help - Doris spoke up
-No, he is not helping anyone! It's our freaking honeymoon, why is everybody trying to ruin it?! - Vanessa snapped

-Because I don't choose the day a tragedy happens darling - the FBI guy came oddly close to Vanessa, making Steve really uncumfortable
-Hey away from her! - the guy backed away - what did you do this time? I thought you were out
-Long story, but o need her - Doris pointed to me
-Then I'm sorry, but I ain't going anywhere, now leave
-Vanessa.. - Doris asked again
-That's my final decision, now leave. And by the way, this friend of yours is really bad at pretending, he is not FBI and you don't need no help, tell Danny that we won't help

After that Doris left and Danny called apolagizing to us, witch led us into an argument due to the fact that Steve now wanted to help and Vanessa just wanted a normal week with the love of her life. But I guess the world is not on her side this time

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