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Steve's POV
Last night Vanessa was right, I don't usually tell her when things get bad, I don't usually worry for things on my job, but she has the right to know.
This secret case doesn't put her at risk at all, but she doesn't believe me, so I have two options in my hands, tell her all about the case, or just reassure here that it's safe for all of us.
Since is a government case I can't discuss with her, all is left for me is pray she will let this go only believing that she is okay and she is safe.
When she woke up I was in the shower, she usually comes in with me, specially now with the pregnancy.

Vanessa's POV
I made my way to the kitchen without going into the bathroom as I usually do. I was mad at him, and even tho my mom told me to never go to bed angry I just didn't want to talk.
When I got to the kitchen I saw Eddie laying on the floor waiting for us. He got extremely happy to see me, so I played with him while eating. Mind you I was naked with only a thin robe on top of me that doesn't cover much, so not too long after that Danny came to the house, and since I was playing with Eddie I didn't notice, so when I saw him and he saw me naked I screamed and tried to close my robe.

-AAH! What the fuck?? have you heard of knocking? - I asked him angry

- AAH! I didn't know you would be here naked! - he said closing his eyes and looking away.

- It's my fucking house Danny, KNOCK next time! - when I finished talking Steve shows up in the kitchen and does a better job of coverage.
I just hadn't get out of there yet because in order to do so, I would have to go next to Danny, so I was just trying my best to cover me.

- I have no peace - I groaned and left the kitchen and while I went upstairs Steve was pissed at Danny

-Danny c'mon man, don't do this anymore! I have a wife now, have a little respect!
-What do you want here anyways?
- It's about the secret case, the governor wants us to close it because we are not able to it anymore.
- And why is that?
- Because he left his wife and he found out she was cheating on him, so there is nothing to keep on, he wants nothing to do with her anymore.

Let me simplify the case for you all.
The governor's wife was mixed on a fight with some powerful but harmless people, and we were called to find out who they were so we could protect her and put them away. The governor just wanted us to find out who they were and once we found out they were no threat he asked us to track them down and gether them on a apologize party because his wife was not the sweetest one with them.
Now you might thing this is no job for Five-0 And you are right! The only reason we were doing this is because I screwed up on a case where I accidentally pushed a suspect in front of a car and he almost died, oppsies.
Lesson of the day kids, don't do this if there is people around, because they WILL rat you out and you will have to babysit the governor's wife.

- I mean, I can't believe he saw me like that! out in the open! - Vanessa was talking about this morning incident to Omar
- What did he say?
- Nothing, just apologized to Steve, ugh! Do you think I'm still attractive pregnant? Be honest - Vanessa stopped in the middle of the hallway in front of her best friend
- With clothes on, yes. I haven't seen you naked so I can't say anything about that
- Fair enough. But you have seen me with bikini, that counts
- Yeah, I guess... but why this question?
- Just to know if Danny enjoyed the view - they both laughed 
- Only you Vanessa, only you...
- C'mon man at least I have to laugh about this
- Yeah, let's go watermelon belly we have a patient
- Fine, let's go

The rest of the day was calm, no chaos. At least for Vanessa.
But we can't say the same for Steve

- Danny! cover me - Chin said trying to get to Steve

The team was at this abandoned warehouse to arrest a small gang leader, but as soon as they got there things got ugly. They didn't have back up because they thought it would be and easy task.
Steve was fighting with the leader while the other two who were there with Leroy, the boss, at a meeting, were being chased by Junior and Tani.
Lou was calling Duke for support because the other tow called back up from their gang, so things would get much more complicated.
Chin was trying to reach Steve and help him out and Danny and now Lou were shooting the other gang members who had just arrived.
When Chin finally got to Steve, Leroy stabbed Chin and on that moment Steve was able to cuff him and pin him to the ground.
The HPD arrived and within minutes the ones who weren't killed by Five-0 on the shooting earlier, were arrested by Duke and his team.

Not to long after that, Chin was directed to the King's medical center.
Amanda didn't know her husband was stabbed, Steve was beat real bad and was receiving treatment for his injuries.
Danny was the one on charge of contacting Amanda with the news her husband was at the hospital.

- What happened? - Omar asked as soon as he saw Steve getting stitches at the ER
- Just a fight with a perp
- Does she know you are here?
- I don't think so. They said she was on a surgery, so I guess they didn't tell her. But it's fine, it's nothing bad.
- You were hit pretty bad Steve, I'mma order some scans for you, if Vanessa find out I didn't do anything of this sort she will kill me

They both laughed at that comment. It was true, his wife would not only destroy her best friend, but Steve as well.

- I thought you were good at fighting Commander McGarrett - Vanessa said walking through the examination room Steve was at waiting for a CT scan. She didn't look angry, so that was a plus.

- Haha, very funny
- How are you feeling? - she asked through the microfone, since he was on the other side of the glass already
- I'm fine, just some stitches, I've been worse
- I know. So, when you done, I will be at my office ok?
-ok, see you in a few

Vanessa was used to this and she knew he could take it and it was not that often he got beat up like this, so she was truly fine. She walks to her office and had a surprise and she opened her door. A surprise she never thought would happen, and never wanted to happen..

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