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Vanessa's POV
I mean, I wanted to spend my honeymoon cuddled up with Steve, having morning sex, eating in bed and exploring the apple city with him. But ... the universe had other plans for us. We had ourselves 2 weeks of break. The first day it was just to sleep after our long and chaotic flight, the second day we did in fact leave the hotel and had a nice time, but the third day didn't go as planned, since we spent more than half a day with the terrorist attack. But today, the fourth day is a new 24 hour and I planned to enjoy it.

It was about 8 in the morning when I heard the shower running, I didn't do what you think, I just rolled over on the bed and closed my eyes again trying to get some more sleep.
Steve on the other hand wanted me to join him, so he came back to the bedroom and picked me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom.

-this water is amazing I said tilting my head back and adjusting myself on his embrace behind me.

Steve was gently stroking my stomach and holding me tight to his grip, I sense he wants something in exchange

-okay, tell me, what is it that you want?
-why do you think I want something? Im just doing something nice for you
-because you never do nice things for me while stoking my stomach, it looks like my pet asking for food - I tilt even more my head back to have a look at his face

-fine, he chuckles, I want to go skydiver with you today

-oh hell no, I'm not going to do that with myself
-oh come on baby, imma protect you
-no Steve, that's a no. But you can go and I will watch you, I will even record it to show to our future kids

-okay.... He said in a sad tone
-dont be sad honey, I'll make up for you,I smirk.

Steve was doble the excitement for today. He was goin to to go skydiving for the first time in ages and we would also be celebrating later if you know what I mean. So for that, I went to the bathroom to change and surprise him later.

Yesterday I had bought this new sexy lingerie. It was a purple pair with an elastic connecting my panties with a bottom part of the outfit. Knee hight pantyhose. When I left the bathroom he was ready by the door waiting for me.

Oh man, he doesn't know what's coming for him tonight.

Steve's POV
Vanessa didn't want to skydive with me, so there was only one option, go alone.
So we drove to the spot and got in them one to jump. Vanessa was by my side ready to record my jump. When my turn came I put all the safety equipment and smile to the camera. But before I could jump someone pushed Vanessa down the bridge

-Steve!! She screamed my name as soon as her feet didn't feel the ground anymore, as an instinct I jumped after her since I was the one held by the robe. Just after she got the ground I hold her in the air and the men pull me back to the bridge.

-Is she alive? I turn my face to the voice and see a young woman and a kid by her side. 

-I don't know yet, did anyone see who pushed her? I said looking at the other people  there. No one saw anything

There were paramedics there so they took us to the hospital to check on her. She didn't have one scratch on her but she was unconscious, so they wanted to make sure she was not in danger.

I'm sorry this chapter was short, but next one is going to be better ;)

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