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Steve's POV

Today the baby is 24 weeks and as a surprise for my wife, I decided to book a spa day for us. Just to relax and have some time alone, giving that in the last couple of weeks our lives gave been chaotic. Vanessa was desling with a lot of pressure at the hospital and I was having only major cases, wich took all of my free time. 

She doesn't' know yet, but she will love it! I am really excited about today because I hardly surprise her, and I know she loves these little things, so as a part of my plan I contacted the owner of this big spa to reservate a private experience for me and Vanessa. It wan't as expensive as one my think. This man had a break in a couple of weeks ago, and he said that if I ever needed, or wanted a spa day, I could talk to him. So, basiclly, no expenses today. I was now, on my way to pick Vanessa up at the hospital at the end of her shift. It was the perfect moment, she needed to relax, and she would have it in the most magical way possible. 

As soon as I got to the exclusive parking lot of the hospital, usually used only by the workers and important people, i texted her.

"Hey wife! <3 meet me at the parking lot" - STEVE

"Ok.. wirdo" - VANESSA

Vanessa's POV

I had just changed my clothes at the end of my shift when I recived a message from Steve telling me to meet him at the parking lot. I was curious to say at least, so I made my way to my car, where I found only a note where my car was suppoused to be. 

"Danny took it home, you wont be needing the car today" 

- That's supicious - I said looking around to find Steve encumbered on his car 

- What is going on? - I asked with a frown 

- Just trust me queen 

That's the only thing he said to me after driving off to a unknown place for me. We talked for awhile before parking in front of this SPA

-No way! what are doing here?? If this is you fixing up a mess again I will kill you, I need some rest

-Chill woman, just come with me - he grabbed my hands and guided me inside the SPA. Once we were in they directed us to thsi private suit. It had averything in it, all the treatments needed and not needed. I saw him taking his clothes and putting on a robe

-ARE YOU SERIOUS? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Oh how i needed a day like this with you! 

I ran to him and hugged him tight. He lift me up and kiss me. So after I realised what I was there for, I changed my clothes and we waited for the massage therapists.

-When did you had this idea? 

-Last week, the owner owned me for the services from the task force, so i took the chance to have a day with you - he had the most adorable smile ever and kissed me before trying to take off my robe

-Hold up man, I am not trying to get busted my them having sex - we laughed and a couple minutes after they started the massage.

After the massage, we had facials, then hot tub, nails, hair.. everything. Needless to say i slept during the massage. Steve and I had the most perfect day. I was relaxed and happy to be alive and enjoying this time with my husband. 

But since all that is good is to goood to be true, something happened at the HQ. 

- UGH, Danny! - Listen man , it better be important, because if not, I will kill you myself

-WHAT? how did that happened? 

-Of course i'm coming, gether the rest of the team, we need to solve this right away. 

By the time he fnished the call I was already with my clothes on, because I knew we had to go.

- I am sorry baby, but someone broke into my office, we have to go 

- No problem honey, I am the happiest girl ever already - I kissed him and we left the SPA

Now, you must think he left me home before going to the HQ right? No. We didn't have time for that, so we just sped up to try and see if anything was missing. When we got there Danny, Lou and Tani were observing the forensics team look out for clues. Junior was doing something on the computer and I was looking for a place to sit already.

- Already? you were sitting not 5 minutes ago - Danny mocked me 

- I know right? this baby is killing me - I said lying on Steve's couch while they discussed what could have been the thing they were after at his office. Next thing I know, people were shouting to eachother

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