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Vanessa's POV
As soon as I woke up I asked for Steve, i knew he would be blaming himself for what happened to me and I wanted to see if he was okay. So when he opened the door i couldn't wait any longer, "you are not quitting your job" i said not even giving him time to open the door completely. "What?" he asked confused, "you have a gift Steve, a gift to protect people, just as I have one to save them. And we don't waste them, okay? Don't blame yourself, don't stop doing because of me, I'm here till the end, and I'm here to not let you throw your gift to waste" when I finished he was smiling but crying too, I guess he didn't expected this. "I honestly thought of quitting" "well, then don't! This ain't your fault, it was supposed to happen to me either way. It better be with you then alone" We were both emotional at that point and I just opened my arms to him, he came in to hug me with caution.
"How did you do it? you are out of this world" he asked gently rubbing my cheeks. "I honestly don't know how I had the courage, I guess it was just the fear of losing the baby"
"Do you wanna see them?" "Yes! i do! where are they?" i said looking to his eyes and seeing them sparkle even more. "Right here momma" Omar came in with the baby and as soon as I saw the pink cover i melted "She is so gorgeous"
My daughter was perfect, she had a bright blue eye and a green one, meaning that she had heterochromia and it was the most beautiful human I've ever laid my eyes on. She had my rosie cheeks and Steve's lips. The more I looked at her, the more I cried, because seeing that my excruciating pain was worth it made me happy about my though but necessary decision.
"Your scans and test came back clean but we did run antibiotics and antifungal medications on both you and the baby just to be safe, Avery did and amazing job with your cut, probably not gonna have an ugly scar, and tomorrow you can go home if you.." "Don't have any fevers or any other reactions, yes I know Omar" i laughed at the face he made when I cut him off to complete his phrase.
"Let me do my job boss" he laughed and left the room.
Steve and Vanessa spent the following moments enjoying their daughter and trying to come up with a name.
"What about Alice?" Steve tried a New name, "too common, but what about Belinda?" 

"I like it, Belinda it is, it looks like her, it fits her" Steve said holding Belinda in his arms and smiling like a fool at her and Vanessa. 

Amanda was dying to see Vanessa, but the doctor just wanted to be with her husband and daughter, after all she been through she was enjoying as much as she could. The five-0 team was relaxing after this crazy experience they had in the last 48 hours.
"What happened to the bad boy attitude of yours Commander?" Dr.Croft asked her husband seeing him dancing around the room with Belinda in his arms
"It died when I met you, and now is 14 feet underground with Belinda here with us" He couldn't help but smile at his daughter and wife, it was what he asked for in the past, a family, a normal one.
"I wanna get out of here!" Vanessa grunted of boredom in that hospital room. "Wait Vanessa, you will be out soon" Steve said putting Belinda in the crib and sitting down next to his wife's bed.
"Babe, did you see me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Sliced open, did to u see me?" she said looking into his blue eyes
"Yes, I saw that" he said remembering that moment "i saw that and fell to the floor" he laughed slightly at his comment. "I'm sorry you had to see that"
"Don't be, you saved your life and Belinda's and i love you even more for that, Witch i didn't thing was possible" he kissed her lips passionately and put his head on her chest, falling asleep not long after that .

I hope you guys are enjoying as much as I am! Please let me know in the comments what you think so far and if you like it, tell others about it too ❤️
thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me

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