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"Wake up, wake up, if is all you do
look out, look inside of you"
Long chapter!

Vanessa's POV
It was dark, and I'm not sure how long I've been here. All I could smell was blood, steel and alcohol. It was hard to make up a image of what was happening in front of me, but I managed to figure that i was tied to a bed and no one was inside the room. The very dim lighting coming through the window above me slowly started to improve my vision.
The last thing I remembered is Steve's face while they dragged me out my house into their car. The drive was calm, they didn't yell nor talked to me, which was good. Not to long after I woke up, a woman opened the door holding a plate and a cup, she sat next to me and offered me some food.

"Eat it, your baby needs it" i looked at her, confused as to why she was helping me, but I needed the food, so I ate it and she waited for me to finish, but it wasn't a silent meal. "Don't worry, you will get out of this alive, you and your baby" She had a sweet talk and smile, her hair was black and her features showed some trauma.
"Who are you? and why are you helping me?" I asked putting the plate down. "My name is Melanie, and I'm helping you because I found out my husband was keeping a pregnant lady captive"
After that she just simply walked away and closed the door behind her.

Steve's POV
I haven't slept nor eaten in over 12 hours.
After they left my house I went to the HQ and called everyone to help. I made a call to Catherine to help me out on finding out where those people on the list were, she was able to give me three locations, and they were all on the island, but the other two were at the mainland. 
"Steve, sit down" Danny tried to get his friend to rest even for five minutes
"I can't Danny, she needs me" he had repeated that sentence over 20 times already, it's like it was the only thing he could say.
Tani and Junior were parking at the HQ parking lot with the three man at 3 in the morning. No one had a clue as to why that was happening but they all sympathized with the fact that Vanessa was at risk.
"tell us what we need to do Commander" O'Raylei spoke as soon as he passed the glass doors. He knew Steve, and was very fond of him. "Right now I don't know, just sit and wait I guess" Lou responded because Steve didn't even flinch from the files he was reading. He was trying to find out why him and who were those people.

24 hours later
"I found something!" Tani screamed when she saw at her computer screen a phone number that she thinks is from the people who kidnapped Vanessa. "What?" Junior got up from his office chair and ran to Tani
"A phone number that I'm pretty sure is from the guys that took her" "Let's go show Steve" Junior took the phone number in his hands and entered Steve's office.
"Any news?" he asked looking up to his colleagues
"Yes, Tani found this number encrypted on the file and she thinks is from the guys" Junior said giving the paper to Steve, and he immediately got up. "When are the others arriving?" he ment the other two who were in the mainland. "In about 2 hours" Tani answered.
"Okay, get everyone ready, I'm going to prepare the guns and everything" He exited the room and went straight to a warehouse he kept military tech.

The rest of the team only did what they were told. Nobody tried to change Steve's mind, specially because none of them had a better idea, so they got the gear ready, picked up the other two and went to the rescue.

••• at the kidnapping •••
"Boss, what if those men are already dead?" One of the other men working for Clark, Melanie's husband, asked at the meeting room.
"They are alive, I know they are. I've met them a few times before and none of them recognized me"
Clark was taking about the explosion that took place a few years back

Flashback on
"Get down!"
"O'Raylei! cover me, O'Raylei! I guess I have to shoot my shot here" Clark and his team were located on North Korea, and a war took place while they were stationed there. Clark, O'Raylei, McBee, Jackson, Denver and Brody were ambushed and in order to get out alive, they had sat a bomb at the site, but since the other members of the team didn't listen Clark calling for backup and cover, he went on his own.
That a rule no Army man should disobey, but Clark wanted the fast way out and decided to go by himself to the other side to plant the bomb. What he didn't know was there his enemies had planted a bomb there, McBee tried to tell him that but his radio was broken. Another rule you should follow. O'Raylei, McBee, Brody, Jackson and Denver didn't ignored him, they simply didn't listen because again, Clark didn't pay attention to his chores and didn't check his radio, and that almost cost his life.
He wanted his team members to pay for not reminding him of his basic protection. And that when Steve came in. At the time, Steve was there. Commander and was the one to send them there, he didn't want to hurt his superior,. but he needed access to their locations, and when he finally got a hold of Steve and found out he had a pregnant wife he thought of it as the perfect time.
His face and arms were all burned and that's what Vanessa saw on Melanie's face too. Since he didn't want to be walking around with a gorgeous wife while looking like a monster he was, he burned her face to, but not all of it, that way when people looked at them they would think they went through an accident together and not that his Wife was with him because she had pity for him.

Flashback off

While the team was getting close to the site after contacting Clark, Vanessa was having contractions. Yes, she was having a baby in the middle of this situation. She performed the exam on her self and she was almost fully dilated but there was a problem, The baby was coming out in the wrong position and that ment she needed a c-section quick or else she and the baby would die. She looked around the room and found a sharp knife, since Melanie forgot to tie her back again, she was able to try and save them. On more further research she found the alcohol she once smelled and cleaned the knife with it. Yes, she was going to cut her belly open by herself. She had nothing to make the pain less than what it was about to be.
"It's just me and you baby, we've got this" she said looking at the knife and placing it where she would cut. Meanwhile, Steve and the team were five minutes out the site.
"You've got this Vanessa, just do it!" she was fighting with the pain of the contractions, so she decided to wait for the next one, and when it came she sliced her belly open. She screamed at the top of her lungs, almost passed out. Once she saw she had a nice cut she put her hand inside her and ruptured the water, taking her baby out.
Once the baby was out she put it on top of her and lay down on the bloody bed and passes out, she couldn't handle any longer.

Lou's POV
When we got to the site Steve sprint out the car to the door where he met face to face with Clark . The five men he asked for followed Steve and once they recognized Clark they knew exactly what was going to happen
"I should have known it was you Clark" McBeen said coming closer to the duo. "Finally you are going to pay for what you did to me" He said showing his face.
Steve just went ahead to get his wife but Clark stopped him "my man will get her for you" "No, my men will take her for me" and got passed him leaving him to do be arrested by Junior while Tani went after the others of his organization.
I was ahead of Steve and when I opened the door of the room Vanessa's was in I panicked, so I looked at Chin "Don't let Steve come in" "what happened?" Chin asked and when Lou let him see he understood right away.
"Steve, can you come with me?" "Why? is she not here?"
"No, she is not, let go to the other part of the building"
Steve was so worried about her that he didn't see through the lie Chin had just told him.
Meanwhile I was calling the EMT team outside the building to come get Vanessa and the baby.
"Why is she leaving the building cover like that?" Danny asked watching the paramedics go through the room door
"You don't wanna know" For my luck Steve saw that scene and ran to her
"WHY IS SHE LIKE THAT? WHY IS SHE COVERED?" he tried to get past Lou, but he hold tight to him while crying, but at one point Steve got out his grip and got to the ambulance, and when he saw the state she was in, with her belly sliced open, the baby barely breathing on top of her it was too much for him, so he just collapsed.

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