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Steve's POV
When I saw what she had been through I blamed myself. If I weren't who I am she would never go through that.
We were on our way to the Hospital when I woke up in the ambulance. "Sir, how are you feeling?" the tall male paramedic asked me, "Fine, how is she?" I questioned him looking directly at her face, hoping to see her open her eyes. "She is stable, probably past out due to the pain she felt, but other than that she is stable. We are concerned about the blood loss and infection, but we can manage that at the hospital" "okay.. and, where is my baby?" "there" the man pointed at a pink blanket burrito being held by the other paramedic "it's a girl?" i asked with tears in my eyes extending my arms so I could hold her "yes, a very healthy one. She is completely fine, but they are going to monitor her since she was born before her time"
"Thank you for saving them" i smiled at my daughter, she was awake and had my eyes, blue as the ocean.
As soon as we got to the hospital, Omar and the trauma team came running for her. Omar was the one responsible for my daughter.
"How this happened?" he asked getting my baby from my arms and going straight to exam her "she was kidnapped" i said not paying attention to what he was doing, my mind was focused on Vanessa's body Right next to me. "Steve, snap out of it, your daughter needs you buddy" Omar said snapping his fingers in front of me. "Your daughter is completely ok, we are gonna give her a bath and put some clothes on and you can have her okay?" "Yes, please"

Pmar stepped out and Steve followed him. He didn't want to be there. Tye trauma team was taking care of her, bad he needed to be with his daughter.
Not too long after, Danny and Amanda appeared at the room Steve was at with his baby girl. "Where is Vanessa?" Amanda asked looking around the room in the hopes to find her best happy walking around an singing "in surgery, they are closing her belly"
Amanda was confused as to why the baby was already at Steve's arms and Vanessa still on surgery, she didn't know what happened.
"she doesn't know" Danny said to Steve, "what don't I know?" she asked looking between the boys.
"Vanessa had to do a c-section on herself to save the baby" Steve said looking only to his daughter. "SHE WHAT?"  "that is the truth" Danny followed the conversation.
"Steve, she wants to see you" omar had just opened the door facing three sad people. "Really?" his eyes sparkled the first time that day, she was alive, and also wanted to see him. He happily took the baby in his arms and walked to her room, but when he got there he was welcomed with words he didn't expect to hear at that moment, specially after what had just happened.

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