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It only takes a few seconds to hit the hard concrete but it feels like an eternity. You try to reach something to avoid falling but it is a free dive, there is no one there to save you, only you and the concrete that awaits for you.

Steve's POV
After what Vanessa said on the call I told Brody I was going to stay with Belinda and wait for news, my heart was hopefull that she would call me in a few minutes but that never happened.
Hours had gone bye and deep down I knew she was gone but the unknown of how she died was eating me inside out.
After a few hours waiting I went home with my baby girl and made us dinner.
Belinda was agitated, she didn't want to eat or stop fussing, I decided to put a movie on the TV to help her calm down and she actually stopped and slept within a few minutes.
Me on the other hand couldn't sleep, and only after my daughter closed her eyes that I let myself cry looking through the windows down at the street, and it was when I saw the police car, they were silent, but the lights were on. My head started spinning, that made it all real, too real.
I sat down on my couch just waiting for a rookie to come and tell me she had passed away, and not long after that they reached my door.
"Mr. McGarrett? I'm sorry to inform you, but we found your wife, Vanessa, dead at the basement of the building witch collapsed today. She fell when the floor gave in after saving 10 people, including her last, a 5 year old kid. I'm so sorry for your loss"
He then turned away and I closed the door.
She was really dead, but at least she died doing what she loved. I couldn't stop crying and sobbing at our room sniffing her clothes, I didn't even cared about the neighbors or Belinda, I just needed to get this pain out of my chest for this night. I cried, screamed and hit a few things before the dawn, when surprisingly enough, Danny called me.
I couldn't get a word out of my mouth without crying, and he knew that something really bad had happened.

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