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Vanessa's POV
I cannot believe Steve is calling Danny Right now to let him know he is going to help them out. I get that he is just doing his job and helping his friends, but we have no back up, no guns, no nothing, this is a bad idea and he is the only one not to see it!
The FBI stole the case from Five 0, and now Danny wants Steve to go behind their back and solve the case because they think the FBI and Interpol are in it together.

-Okay, I will reach out to my buddy for some equipment, don't worry

When he finished his call he looked at me and didn't say a word, he knew my next words

-I just hope we don't die, so where does this buddy of yours live? - I could tell he was surprised by what I said, I guess he was expecting me to scream at him.not that I didn't want to, but what could I do? If something goes wrong I will feel terrible by not being there with him, so.. - what? Are you deaf or something?

-no, just surprised - he said slowly reaching for his phone and dialing his friends number. He was not believing me and as a sign he let out a small laugh

Meanwhile I was changing my clothes to go bad guy hunting,and man... Let me tell you, I was so pissed at this whole thing that I would literally kick some asses, even if I don't even need to.

Steve's POV
So, me and Vanessa has our equipment ready, we were just waiting outside the suspect guy

-So, why did you come? - I asked her not taking my eyes off the house we were at a straw out at
-You are my husband, I will go wherever you go, and also, I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't come and something bad happened to you
-You cute - I squished her chick - I wish we could make out now, but he just got home, so let's go baby 

So, I was hopping nothing bad happens. Vanessa had the idea to throw chloroform gas at this guy's house, so that's what we did. He just passed out on his living room and we were dragging him to the trunk of the car. 

-Why did he got to be so heavy? - Vanessa said as we closed the trunk 

- No idea babe - i laughed and went to the driver side, but as soon as i did that i felt a sharp pain on my neck - what? 

-I'm driving hun - it was Vanessa and her hard flick as usual

She started the car and about 20 minutes later we were at this abandoned building. We took him out the car, put  him cuffed on the basement and waited till he woke up. About an hour later he started hustling against the chains, so we got up from where we were sitting, put our masks on and went to see him 

-Look baby, he woke up! - Vanessa started we touched his face and flinched - you don't flinch to me okay - she said that with a deep serious voice and grabbed his face on her hand. He nodded slowly and she let him go 

-What do you want? - he spoke for the  first time that night 

-We want simple things James. So, have you been to Hawaii? - he denied - don't lie to me 

- Fine, i was there yesterday, why? 

-You know damn well why! 

-I don't! 


We continued like that for a couple of hours till he finally said what we needed. Turns out the FBI was not behind the plan. It was the MI6, the British intelligence agency that wanted to blow the island. So i called Danny to let him know what we found out and we let the guy walk. 

It was already 3 in the morning when we arrived to the hotel, i was exhausted so i just took my clothes off and lay down.  Vanessa still had energy to do her night time beauty routine but that didn't mattered because 5 minutes later we heard a knock on the door, I reached out to my gun only to realize I didn't have it with me. Vanessa walked out the bathroom looking worried, so o singed to her to be quiet and pretend we weren't there. 

-Steve, don't pretend you are not there! C'mon, open the door

I went to the door and looked through the magic eye to see my buddy who borrowed us the equipment this night

-What are you doing here?

-11 years ago when u walked out on the Navy, you left behind some stuff and I never got to give it to you, and tonight when you guys showed up I forgot to give it to you, so here it is - he handed me a wooden box that I didn't even remember having

-Thanks man! - I have him a hug

-So, everything good there?
-Yes, thanks to you! I own you one
-No you don't! Just make sure to keep the island alive and well, I'm going there with my wife next month

-Wait, you got married? Who would had thought!

-Sorry to interrupt, but you guys could just come in and talk inside the room, there are people sleeping next door - Vanessa walked in on us by the door hugging me from the side

-I don't want to bother - William said
-Trust me, you are not. Just come in, grab a beer and sleep in the other room we have here in this hotel apartment
William accepted her invitation, and we were talking for hours till the sun came up and he left and we went to sleep

-What a honeymoon - Vanessa mumbled while falling asleep in my arms

-Yes baby, what a honeymoon

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