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"Hey man, how you doing?" Chin said when Steve opened the door of his house. Vanessa was laid on the sofa holding Belinda's toy to her chest, Steve looked like he had been crying the whole time. Steve optioned to stay home insted of going out looking for his daughter, for most parents that had the power that he had, that seemed irrational, but he couldn't go, he couldn't' leave his wife the way she was, he would be useless out there, a liability to his team. He needed to take care of the ones left. He had been drinking and crying the whole day because usually he holds his pain in, but that day he decided to let it all out.

"How do you think i am doing? I will take whatever your answer is" Steve closed the door with his beer on his hand. Vanessa on the other hand didn't even move from her initial position

"I see that you are desperate to find her, that's why you already drank 6 beers while watching your wife cry, you feel powerless right now" Chin stared at his brotehr-in-law's eyes seeing that the tears were falling free on his cheeks

"Do you have any news?"

"No, not yet, they are looking everywhere, we are going to findd her"

"DON'T PROMISE WHAT YOU CAN'T KEEP" for the first time since Chin's arrival Vanessa spoke, and as soon as she yelled there was a knock at the door


"hey! over here! i found something" a volunteer screamed through the woods to the officer behinde him. "What is it?" the officer asked coming closer

"it's.. is this blood?"

"I hope not"

The officer kneeled to check and cofirmed, "yes, it is blood"

The whole team that was around started checking every spot they could. The sun had set a while ago, but they kept looking. Lou was quickly contacted by the officer to let him know their discovery "Just make sure who ever did this to her is alive, we gonna have a talk with them"


"Lou?" Chin was surprised to see him there and not at the HQ coordenating the search

"Steve, Vanessa, please, come with me"

Steve's POV

When he said that my body went numb. His words echoed in my head like a song on replay. All that sounded like a cop calling the family of someone that had disappered to recognize the body found. I tried to drift my thouths from that dark place and hugged Vanessa. She held onto me the whole drive while watching the sirens lights on the pavement.

"I need you to stay calm okay? We found her.. but i need you to stay calm and not touch her" His words cut me in pieces, but i just nodded and followed him holding Vanessa's hand. When Lou opened the door I could see my baby girl..

"MY BABY!! NO!" Vanessa's last words before passing out.

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