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Three months later and Vanessa could finally called herself Mrs. McGarrett. It's been a crazy three months, with Doris recovering from her wounds, Steve working day and night to don't have accumulated paperwork when he came back from his honeymoon with his wife and Vanessa also doing the same thing  at the hospital.
Danny on the other hand had a pretty chill period, while Chin and Amanda were still adjusting with being parents. Amanda was thrilled with the experience but as she said many many times "the first and last".

It was still 5am on the island, but the Kelly's house hold was awake long before that..

-He won't shut up Chin! He won't shut up - Amanda wined as she hear Henry's crying sound
-I know baby, but that's what baby's do. Now, did you check his diapers? Maybe he is hungry? Cramps? - Chin came into the room and sat down in front of his wife
-I checked everything there is to check. His diapers are clean, he doesn't take breasts and I have him the medicine for cramps the first time he woke up. Now I'm tired, I have work tomorrow and he won't stop crying
-I know you don't want to do that, but maybe is time to give him a pacifier
Chin knew this would trigger Amanda into a whole discussion, but the truth is that none of them were handling things the way they thought they would, so now, it was time for plan B, which in this case is plan Z.
-Not in a million years, sure it could shut him up, but we can handle him without it.
-If you say so... 🤷🏻‍♀️

Amanda went to her son's room and picked him up, putting him head to her chest and rocked him into sleep. After all, all Henry needed was some time with the warm embrace if his mother.

A few days passed bad it was finally the honeymoon get away for Mr and Mrs McGarrett. Since they live in paradise, they thought it would be nice to like town and visit a place different, with a colder whether

-Vanessa, come on, the plane doesn't leave for five hours! We still have time until then.
-I know, but what if we get stuck in traffic? Or, if something delay us from getting into the plane? I don't want to risk it!! - Vanessa said getting up from bed and making her way to the bedroom door. She was all dressed up already, and was only waiting on Steve to get ready. He didn't have much choice, so he put on some clothes and left to the airport.

When they got to the airport seemed like the day was off to a great start,but that's only til to hours into the flight, when a strong turbulence made the pilot and the crew get in high alert and advise the passengers to stay at their seats until it was safe to get up again. But not longer after that announcement, the light were off, masks down and baggages flying of the compartment above the passengers seats. It was full on panik mode.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some turbulence in high level, please stay seated and with your mask over your mouth and nose. If there is any doctos on board please light up and a flight attendant will guide you to the patient"

-Here, me and my husband can help - Vanessa said right after light up her seat
-Not sure if you know, but they only asked for certified doctors, and I'm not one
-I know, but you have skills that will be needed here, you know how to treat people to live in times and places with not a lot of resources, so you are coming
-Fine, but if something happens I will blame you
-Not the first time someone says that to me, now come on, let's work

The flight attendant soon arrived at their location and guided them to one of the crew members who was severely injured with a head trauma.

-Ask the passengers to light their seats if they need medical care, my husband will treat them while I help him - the lady nodded and not long after the announcement, Steve was helping the ones in need while his wife saved a man's life, or at least tried to.

Now, I was back with the flight attendant. He was bleeding through his head, his pupils were dilated, he was in and out of consciousness, and that was a bad sign. I needed to keep him awake till I figured something out to release the pressure on his brain. After a few minutes, I had an idea, but  I would need help.

-Does anyone have problem with blood? - I asked the others attendants - cuz if you do I will need you to back off

No one left, that is good

-Good, I will need a plastic cup, a straw and a needle

In a minute I had what I needed to puncture his head and relief the pressure on his brain

-What are you doing? I leave you alone for to minutes and here you are - Steve came back from checking on other patients
-Im trying to save his life here dear husband - I looked at him and then back at the guy in front of me.
-Nees help? - Steve asked kneeling down
-No, I'm good, I just need to save him - I put the needle through his skull and then back out just to have the blood flowing out his head. With that I put the straw in and watched the blood falling into the cup. The man, slowly opened his eyes, and then the plane landed and the doctors rushed him out and into the hospital. All of us left the plane and waited another 2 hours to got to our destination.

-We are off to a great start honey - Steve said leaning his head on my shoulder once we were back at the plane
- Definitely babe - i smiled and fell into a deep dream. Once I woke up we had already landed.

The cool breeze of the city hit my face and blows my hair out the cab's window, I was back in the town that made who I was today. All we did when we got to the hotel was lay in bed with the same clothes and cuddle into ourselves and sleep till the next day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring us?


Danny's POV
It's been a day since Steve and Vanessa left the island and we got a major case this morning. Terrorist. What a great way to start the day

-Tani, where are we on the suspect? - I asked walking into the office holding my coffee
-Bad luck, nothing so far, this guy is ghost Danny, I've been here all night and the only thing I found was the plane ticket he used to get here. He flew from New Jersey two weeks ago and then the attack at the military base yesterday.
He was carefully around the cameras on the base, Junior couldn't even get a parcial Frame.

-Okay, keep looking, I'm gonna check on the balistics. What do you say Jerry?
-i got the name of the person who purchesed the bullets. The only thing is that he lives in New York
-That won't be a problem - I said picking up the phone - Hello..

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