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Vanessa left to her office while Steve got tested to make sure he was fine,
Chin was in surgery to get the bullet out and repair his liver that got affected by the shot.
About 1 hour in, Amanda arrived at the hospital with Henry, that was now 6 months old. She was carrying a bag of clothes and essentials for Steve and another one for Henry, a mess, she was a mess.
As soon as Vanessa found out Amando had arrived at the hospital she asked her dearest nurse, Berta, to get Amanda to her office..

- Is he okay? how is the surgery going? why aren't you there?  Amanda Started her questions even before locking eyes with her best friend

- He is the best he can be at the moment, the surgery is going good so far, I'm not there because I don't need to be there, and I'm good by the way, thanks- Vanessa said sitting of her chair

- How much longer till he is out?
- I don't know, depends if the rest of the surgery is going to have complications or not. But assuming is gonna keep doing great, he should be out in another hour or so. You should get some rest tho
- How do I rest when my husband can die?
- Amanda, if you use that logic on your life you would not sleep at all, because their jobs are literally dangerous - Vanessa said watching Steve get past the door

- Henry!!!
Steve completely ignored his sister, going straight to his nephew, holding him in the air and making him echoes his contagious laugh inside that office.
Eventually he greeted his sister and laid on the couch with Henry on his chest and that made Vanessa fall more in love with that man, made her feel ready and safe to have that baby with Steve, there was no other man she rather have a child with. When she got a hold of herself she noticed she was crying.

- Why are you crying honey? - Steve asked coming closer to his wife
- Because I love you and because my hormones saw that cute scene and decided it was worth crying over - she let out a laugh


An hour had passed and no news from Chin. Vanessa had a consult and left Amanda, Steve and the rest of the five-0 team behind.
When she finally got done with her patient, another hour later, she received the news that Chin was out the surgery and out the risk, he was alive and well and already awake.

Steve's POV
Chin was finally out after two and a half hour surgery, the doctor said he should make a full recovery.  The room was full with people, Amanda, Henry, Lou, Tani, Junior, Danny and Jerry.

- So, did you guys aren't everyone? - Chin asked sitting up on the bed
- Yes, we just finished processing them actually - Tani replied
- Duke gave them a hard time at the precinct for what they did to you, he made them clean the toilets - Lou said laughing at his own comment
We were all together having chats and laughing when Vanessa entered the room. She looked worried

- What's wrong? - Amanda was the first one to ask
- Nothing, why is that?
- Your face - I pointed it out
- Just nausea - She said sitting on my lap

- How do you handle it Steve, all this weight on your leg - Danny said making everyone laugh
-  I'm not even that fat! - Vanessa said laughing as well
A couple minutes went by and everyone left, including Vanessa and Steve. It had been a long day for both of them and they needed to rest, and that's all they did that night, took a shower and slept, one holding onto the other.

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