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Everyone in the room was horrified by the scene.
The doctor holding Belinda was also horrified, he had never scene something like that in his carrier, Steve was angry, furious, he left the room to find the person who did this.
He stood in front of the smart table to see where the case was, since no one would tell him anything. He saw on the database that they had the suspect in custody, so he went down to the interrogating room, opened the door and saw Danny punching the guy cuffed to the chair.
"He is mine" Steve's voice tone was low and scary, almost like he had been possessed. Danny looked over and back to the suspect "this is gonna hurt" and walked away.
Steve stepped in, stared at the man in front of him for a good minute before he started to do to him what he had done to his babygirl.

"She is a baby" Steve said while cutting deep and slowly his arms, "she didn't do nothing to you" he cut again, and every time he spoke, his voice got deeper and angrier.

Steve was now at the man's abdomen, kicking, punching...
The criminal was covered in blood, his arms were all cuts, deep cuts, his abdomen was already purple from the hitting, and as his final act, Steve gulped the man's head so hard he was left unconscious.
Nobody dared to go in and try to stop McGarrett, but after he left the room, paramedics came in to keep the man alive.
"Vanessa needs you" Tani's low voice echoed through his ears and made him sprint back to the hospital.
When he got there Omar greeted him at the door and led him to where Vanessa and Belinda were.

Belinda was very much bruised, her once pale face with rose cheeks were now red from crying. Her little arms had cuts in them, not as bad as Steve did on the man, but they were there. The doctor said that her bruises were not from hitting, hence the fact that her organs were intact and there was no sing of that, but the bruises were from falling down the hill to where she was found. The man who did this dropped her while running away from the police and never looked back after he had cut her body. It was going to be a long night for them, but at least she was alive.

"Did you kill him?" Vanessa said turning to face her husband
"Kill who?"
"I know what you  were doing Steve, did you kill him?" Her voice was deep and hurt,  she pretty much wanted the man 7 feet underground
"Then go and finish the job, he doesn't deserve to live"
There was nothing said after her words, just the sound of the monitor.

Steve was furious, he wanted someone to pay for what happened to his baby girl, so he went to the hospital they took Tuck, the man who kidnapped Belinda. As soon as he parked the car his vision went extremely focus on the man, he walked towards the room, opened the door, closed it behind him and killed him silently. Nobody had seen him going in and out, Tuck had a long death, it took about 10 minutes till he died.
When the monitor went off and the nurses came rushing to his room, he was dead and Steve was long gone, making it look like natural causes.
You might ask yourself why there were no cops at the door, but Steve did not went through the door, he went through the vents  like a true navy and spy's son.
Later that night Duke went to see Steve at his house to talk about the Tuck's death, and the house was empty.

"Hello, Chin, where is Steve? If you can get a hold of him please let him know i need to talk to him, thanks"
That went to the voice mail, something was odd, something happened.

The next day Duke went to the hospital, maybe Vanessa and Steve were there, but no, the nurse said they had received discharges the night before, but why weren't they answering the phone or even at their house?
Duke went to the HQ, finding that they were all there, except the McGarrett's

"Hey guys, where is Steve?" They all shook their heads no
"I saw them going home yesterday" Danny said stepping in front of Duke
"They are not home, and they are not answering their phones, now you guys either tell me what is going on or i will have to arrest all of you for covering for him"
"Wait, why arrest us? What is going on? Why do you need him?" Lou said, getting uncomfortable with that statement
"Tuck is dead, we think Steve did it"
"What's the cause?" Danny asked
"Heart attack "
"Natural causes to me" Chin spoke up from behind Duke
"We need to rule him out either way"
"Do you have footage of him near Tuck's room?"
"Do you have footage of him leaving the room?"
"So you have nothing,  why do you want to arrest him?"
"He had motive "
"Listen Duke, Steve was with his daughter and wife, far away from that man's room  you have nothing to link him to a death that looked natural, yes, Steve beat him up, but that's how we do things and Steve didn't kill him, the heart attack was unrelated and you know it. So why don't you go back to your job and leave us do our job, huh?"

Danny's words made the officer go away, but the team was worried the McGarrett's had done something they can't undo.

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