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Back at the hospital...

- you are fine Amanda, have u been eating? I asked my sister in law in front of me

- yes ..
-Amanda! what's going on on that little head if yours?

-I need to lose some weight and I have been skipping meals
-First, u don't need to lose any weight, and second... DON'T FUCKING SKIP MEALS
-OK! I get the message
- I hope u do

The rest of the day was nice and calm, miraculously we didn't have critical patients.

I got off work around 7pm and decided to go take an ice cream before heading home. When i got to the shop I orded an oreo and mint icecream for me and a mango and chocolate for Steve. 

When I started the car the rain started pouring around the island. I was all the way across the city from my house, so I sped so I was home by the time the rain got worse, but that didn't happen. 

Steve's POV

-Okay, that's a wrap for today guys, good job - I said closing my office door and heading out the glass doors of the HQ

-Have a nice evening Commander - Tani said

-Tks Tani, see you tomorrow 

-Have a good one boss - Lou spoke to me after hanging up the phone.

-You too!

I made my way to my car when the rain was already bad. Vanessa must be home already, I thought, so I just got through the rain and arrived at  my house. 

When I parked the car I noticed Vanessa's car wasn't there yet, but I didn't give much thought, so I called her thinking she was at the hospital working still, but no, no answer. So I tried her secretary and she told me Vanessa had already left about 40 minutes ago.

My heart raced and I panicked, maybe something happened to her, so I called HPD to check if there was an accident around this time with a lihgt blue Range Rover. Negative, good news at least. I tried her phone one more time and I didn't get a response, so i decided to check her locantion, and with that in hands I went after her.

Vanessa's POV

The rain got only worse and worse, the street was almost flooding, and the sea was chaotic. Once I got to the hightway I only had 10 minutes till I got home, but than I saw a kid on the side of the road, so I stopped the car and made my way to the kid. When I got clsoer I noticed a car down the hill, which meant whoever this kid was with was there, probably dying. 

-Hey! wake up! hey! - I tried to get a response from her, but i didn't work. I checked and she was not breathing and her heart had also stopped. So I quickly started the CPR after making sure she had a clear airway. 

After 10 minutes she started breathing again, and the ambulance arrived not long after that. She was unconscious still, but she was alive. I tried calling Steve to let him know I was ok, but there was no phone reception. Once the paramedics arrived they went to check on the other people on the car, and since i wasn't trained to act at those situations with hills and all, they told me to stay with the kid inside the ambulance. 

There was another 3 people on the car, all adults. The fisrt responders were able to get them to the top and i helped them treat the victims. A few minutes went by and i heard sirens and when I look to the road I saw Steve's car. He stopped quick after seeing my car at the side of the road and ran to me. 

- I am fine babe -  I said after he hugged me like he was losing me.

- I thought something happened to you! hy didn't you call me?? or even answered your damn phone Vanessa? 

- Because there is no signal here, I tried! 

- Okay, what happened here? - he asked lookinh around at the scene

- I still dont know, i stopped because I saw the kid and wet to see is she was dead and where was the car or her family. She is alive, thankfully, and these are the people that were inside the car with her.

- Do we know if someone hit them ? - Steve asked the paramedics 

- We think they just  skidded off the road - one of them responded 

- Okay, if you suspect anything call me, I will have my team look it up - He said giving them his car.

Once everything was good, er headed off the our house and by the time we got home the rain had stopped. I went straight to a hot shower and dry clothes, and steve just went to the kitchen to cook us dinner. 

After dinner we fell asleep watching a movie, ending our day on a pacific way!

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