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Vanessa's POV

I still can't believe all of this happened on our wedding day. You are probably wondering what am I talking about, so well, let me walk through what we had to deal with. 


March  2nd

-Morning love - Steve said to his soon to be wife

- Hey babe - Vanessa answered rolling to Steve's chest 

- Are you ready to have my name? 

-Of course not, everything that's new freaks me out, but i think I can handle  with you - the brunette giggled at the end of her speech 

-You are too funny - Steve said with a fake upset face, receiving a loud laugh from soon to be Mrs. McGarrett 

-I wish I could stay longer, but I have SPA in a few minutes, so imma head out - Vanessa said getting out of bed and feeling the cold wind coming from the open window on her skin.

-So I guess I see you in a few hours right? - Steve asked watching his girl put on her clothes for the day

-yes, please don't run away from me - Vanessa said giving the man a kiss on the forehead and winking at him

-Only if  you have a knife at me babe - he replied and lay down again for a few more sleep hours.

It was not even 5 minutes since Vanessa left the house and the Best Man barged into the house making Steve regretting ever asking Danny for that role, but again, he was the best one for that job. 

-Good, i wasn't planning on sleeping more anyways - Steve said putting his shirt on with a frown 

-C'mon, Vanessa is out to her bride day, and we are going to your Groom day as well - Danny said casually pouring himself some coffee while the Groom was only sitting in the kitchen counter observing his friend 

-Are you kidding me? my groom day is staying at home till a couple hours before the ceremony

-But that is not MY plan baby - Danny winked and grabbed Steve's car keys 

-Wait, what are you doing? those are my car keys - Steve said jumping off the counter

-Today my friend, you are on the passenger seat, and hurry your ass up. We have people waiting. - Danny excused his self and waited in the car until Steve got out of the house. 

.. ..

While Steve was out with the boys, Vanessa was at the Spa with Amanda, Tani and little Henry.

-What time is it?
-Ugh, Vanessa just please, relax, you are on time - Amanda said to her best friend the fifth time that morning

- I just don't want to be late, you know I hate to be late! - the bride said clearly annoyed

-Try to relax soon to be Mrs. McGarrett, as far as I know, Steve will attract a situation to him and HE is the one who is going to be late, not you - Tani said relaxing on the massage bed

- Why would you say that Tani?! NO one is getting late, and I'll make sure of that, ok Vanessa? - Amanda tried to calm her friend down

-okay, I trust you on this

After a while the doctor finally relaxed and enjoyed her Spa day.

The Wedding time

It was almost time for the two love birds get to sign the same last name. While Vanessa was finishing getting ready, Steve was looking out the view from his window and thinking about his future life and wife when Mrs. Croft came into the room looking for Doris

-Steve? Why aren't you ready?

-Because I still have time

-True. Where is your mom?

-Don't know, why?

-Nothing, just wanted to talk to her from mom to mom

-Are you sure?

-Yes, why?

-You look weird

-It's nothing son

-Okay then

Steve's POV
A couple minutes after Mrs. Croft left my room there was commotion outside of my window, when I looked at it I saw a few head lying on the floor and my heart went crazy.

-What happened? - I ran to the body but Chin pulled me back - Chin...


- Don't Tell me that's my mom man - i had tears in my eyes at this moment but I held them in

-Yes, it is. I'm sorry - he finally let me through - Mom!

After that I don't remember much, I remember people calling for Vanessa and then pulling me away from my mom. After 3 minutes i saw her,I saw my fiancè running to the body on her white dress. At that moment she looked like an angel to me.

Vanessa's POV
As I ran towards Doris I searched the scenerio for Steve's face. When I did, my heart froze. His face was pure pain and fear, and that's not the McGarrett we know.
Approaching Doris I noticed it was  a knife wound,but she had also been beaten down very badly. I tried to stop the bleeding and keep her conscious till the ambulance arrived.
A few minutes went by and the EMT car got to us, so I went to Steve and made him come with me on the ambulance.
We said nothing the whole ride to the hospital, we just sat in silence and held hands.

Here it's what all of you've been waiting for!!!! ❤️

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