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"Com on girl, dad needs to go to work, come down already "

" I'm coming dad!!" the girl in question is me, Belinda  McGarrett Croft, I am now 15 years old and attending high school at Oahu, Hawai'i. My mom died 14 years ago today and me and my dad are going to her grave before he drops me off at school.

"Let's go dad" 

My dad and I have a cute and close relationship, I guess he sees mom in me and since she passed away he feels that if he is closed to me he is also closer to her. I hear stories all the time about my mom being the best surgeon at her hospital and how she used to run the place as Chief Of Surgery, i hear them mostly from my Aunt Amanda and my uncle Danny. Tell told me once about one time she killed her kidnappers and how great fighter she was. 

The story about my birth however was out of the line. No one ever deared to tell me, not even Dad. 

" So you still not gonna tell me the story of the day I was born?" He tensed up when I brought this subject up again, I knew he didn't like to talk about it, but it was also about me, and I had the right to know.

"I don't want to talk about it today Belinda" 

"Come one! I know today is a bad day, but it never is a good day to know how I was born! Today is just as hard for you as it is for me. You at least got to meet her, love her and hug her. I didn't get to do that, I didn't get to talk to her about boys, or periods, or fashion, about her carrer, NEVER! I just want to know how she gave birth to me, it's the least you can do for me. 

He stopped the car and looked at me with sad eyes

"Look Bel, on the day you were born your mother, sh.. she was locked up. She was kidnapped again and I was trying to get to her. She was kept in a room all alone and dirty, but she never stopped trying to get out. She started feeling contractions and she was by herself, you were in the wrong position to be born so she had to cut herself open and get you out." 

" She did what?" I was crying heavily from hearing how much she put up just to have me. After a couple of minutes he finished the story and we went to visit her grave before our day continued.

As soon as we kneeled down to spend a little time with her my tears came back. 

"Mom, I knew you were a strong woman just by knowing you loved and lived with my dad, but you are more than that. I had no idea what you went through to have me alive in your arms. I wish I could have had more time with you, I wish I cuold have hugged you and told you how much I love you and how much I wanted to be like you. I miss you everyday. Love you 

It was not easy dealing with all this emotions about a dead mother that you never had the chance to properly love, but My family made it all easier. My dad is my hero an my rock, he is always there for me and always with the best ways to make me smmile, my aunts and uncles are the best, they all lived weird, dangerous lives but they were there for me and I love them for that, I have a strange and loving family, that is not complete and never will be, but at leats I have most of them to spend my life with. 

I am greatfull for their support of me and my dad and there is nothing in this world that I could do to make up for that. 

This story came to an end when my mom died, but she will always live in our hearts as the badass she was and tha will never change. 

Thanks for everyone who read this story and that kept reading it. Its finally time to say our goodbye, love you all for the support. I am working on another story (not about Hawaii Five 0) but is going to be just as good, if not better.

Bye for now! Follow me for more stories ❤

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