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"Is she ready?" He asked looking into her eyes full with desperation. "Yes, we gotta go now"
Her response was all he needed to get the bags in the car and to hit the road.
They had a few minutes of silence before parking at the airport, none of them knew what they were doing but they had to.
"Is someone going to get the car?"
"Yes, we don't have to worry about that  let's just take the things and go"
Vanessa was quick to take the babie's things and walk towards the plane, Steve just made the last phone call on the island, crash their phones, took the rest of the bags and got into the airplane.
He didn't want to throw it all in the air and give up living his dream, but he had other plans now. The whole thing shook them, and now they decided to flee the country, to escape from their actions, and to have a chance of a better life.

Vanessa's POV
We needed to get out the island, there was nothing keeping us there anymore, Steve was the one who wanted to go away. He was tired of people he loved being captured or dead because of his job. He had a good run and was happy about what he accomplished. We were not safe there anymore, so we went to a place no one would suspect. Croatia.
No one knew where we were going, we didn't want go put them in risk.
Belinda was sleeping on my chest the entire flight, because she was drugged from all the medication she took at the hospital. Steve was wadeawake next to me, it seemed like nothing could bring him to relax.
"Are you ok?" My question was irrelevant at that point, but I needed to hear him say something. "I will be"
When we landed in Croatia we didn't really know where to go, so we just found the closest hotel we could find.

It was late at night and Croft and McGarrett couldn't sleep  neither could their daughter, but she was entertained by her toys. Steve was by the window when Vanessa hugged him from behind crying in silence on his back.
"What are we going to do now?" Steve asked his wife after feeling her touch. "I am going to get a job somewhere while i prepare to have my medical license here, and you will find a job, and we will live day by day, that's what we gonna do" Vanessa gently kissed his back and let go of his body, walking to the bedroom they all had to share.
The hotel wasn't so bad, the classy Brown walls were dirty from the time the hotel had been open, but it wasn't so bad. They had a big bed, not so comfortable, but it was what they needed to get through in the moment. The bathroom, witch is the most important thing to be estirlized was clean and well thouth out. There was a bath, clean,the floors were new, the toilet was new and clean, the sink was small, but it wasn't gross, so they had a good place go be.
Ideally, they would be at a house, their house, but life took its own turns on them.

The next morning Steve left for a run around the hotel to clear his mind, while Vanessa was left with the baby in the hotel.

Steve's POV
I needed to think clearly, i needed to vent. So I went on a run. The girls were peacefully dreaming when I left our room, so i figured i  could buy a nice breakfast for all of us.
At the end of my run, I heard someone calling me, a male voice, witch was odd, because no one knew me there, so I just ignored it and kept going towards the bakery, but the voice kept calling me.
"What? " I finally answered
"What are you doing here bro?"
When i turned around I got surprised to see one of my pals from the Navy
"Brody! My man"
"So, how are you? I heard you got married" he teased me pushing me a little
"Yes, i did" I had a big smile on my face remembering my wedding day "we just had a baby too"
"Omg, no way! That is amazing, never thought you would have a family tho"
"Me neither, but she swept me off my feet, what can I say?"
"That's great! She must be a real bad ass too, cuz you wouldn't have married her if she wasn't"
"Well, she definitely is, she's got crazy stories, but I will let her tell you that"
"Ok, I'm curious now! So what are you doing here?"

I explained the hole situation to him while going back to our room, he gave  us a job at his company, a really successful company. He said he needed a right arm man by his side and that he trusted me, after all, we served together 
"So what does the company do?"
"We are the biggest marketing company in Croatia"
"That's awesome Brody! I'm happy for you!
"No, happy for us, head of security"
"Wait, are you serious??"
"Of course! Mine died  and i have been looking for someone to fill this position for a while now. I don't trust anyone more than you to be by my side on this"
"I really appreciate it man, let's talk more tomorrow ok?"
"Sure thing, now where is this baby of yours?"
"I will go check ok? Let me just make sure Vanessa isn't going to kill me for bringing someone without telling her"

Steve's goes inside the room while Brody waits outside for the permission to enter. Steve found Vanessa was in the shower, so he goes there to talk to her
"Hey baby! Quick thing, i ran into a old friend of mine, and he is here to meet you and to surprise you with a little something, is that ok?"
"Yes, no problem,  you caught me in the shower, better than naked at the door" she let out a laugh and turned off the water. She was oddly in a good mood, specially after me bringing someone "home" and not telling her before we arrived. She hates it because her dad used to do it all the time while she lived with him back in Brazil, he would come home with guests and not tell her about it and then being mad at her by the clothes she was wearing inside her own house! That made her furious, and I get it, its her privacy too, so we have a system, whenever we are bringing people over, we have to tell one another, so the other one doesn't feel like their privacy was violated, and let me tell you something,  if someone didn't do that to me nowadays, I would be mad, she got me used to this now.
I grabbed Belinda and headed out the door to show her to Brody.
"Come in Brody, this is Belinda"
"So cute! I bet she is your wife's face"
"Damn right she is, all her mother"

Vanessa finished putting on some clothes and walked out to breakfast made and Brody holding Belinda.
"Hi, you must be Vanessa, the wonder woman"
"Did Steve told you about my stories already?
"No mam' he left for you to tell me"
They both laughed at that comment.

"So Brody, Steve tells me you have something to tell me" Vanessa said pouring her some orange juice.
"Yes, so I own a marketing company, the biggest in all Croatia, and Steve told me all about what happened to you guys and I offered you two a job, Steve as my head of security and you as one of my supervisors. Your job would be to aprove or not the ideas my marketing team has, like making sure the vision they had is coming out through their creation"
"Thank you so much Brody, that's so good to hear, but can I ask you something, why do you have a security team?"
Vanessa didn't wait around to ask questions, she was a curious person  hence why she liked being a doctor, knowing people's secrets by looking at the outside of their bodies, knowing the secrest the body holds, she liked that power of knowledge. After her words came out of her month Brody smiled and simply answered.
"Here, marketing is like politics, so on the media world I am like a president, it's a competition all day long, and when people get competitive, anything can happen"
"I see, so we are settled, when can we start?" She had a big smile on her face, it wasn't working on a OR, but isn't wasn't bad. She liked that too, it wasn't a bad option, it was better than having to clean the dirt people left behind at hotels and bars.
"Tomorrow afternoon you guys can come by the office and we will set everything right"
"Sounds good"
They finished eating and after that Brody left, leaving behind too happy parents who now had a job that would garante them a good life.

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