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Amanda's POV
It has been a crazy couple of days and Vanessa, Steve and Belinda needed some peace and space, so I gethered the team and we went over to their house to clean and organize, since the criminals trashed the place.
"Why don't they have a nursery ready yet? that's not like Vanessa to do" Chin asked Amanda "Because they have other rooms in their house, the baby's room is down the hall"
"oh.. i see"
"Are we going to ignore the fact that their room has sex toys and sexy costume laying around?" Tani whispered to Amanda "yes, just put it away before the boys find it"
Tani got to organizing the sexual objects while Danny and Lou were fighting in the backyard
"That's not where that goes Daniel!" Lou yelled at his friend who was arranging the chairs and the table at the wrong place
"What do you mean? of course is here, look, the marks" Danny replied throwing his hands in the air like a true italian.
"No, it's over here man, trust me"
"I'm leaving it here and you are not gonna touch" Danny said trying to be the alpha "man, you really wanna play that role?" Lou laughed and got closer and then they attacked each other like kids.
At first, when you saw it you would think was a real fight, but when you looked closer you would see that is was just two grown boys playing.
A few hours after, the team finished cleaning the house and went to the living room to talk.
"I'm still on awe with the fact that Vanessa did that, like, it must have been really painful, if it was me I wouldn't be able to do it" Junior spoke sitting down at the sofa with his drink on his hand. "Of course you wouldn't" Tani scoffed and everyone laughed but Junior.
"What you mean by that?"
"You are a man, men, can't handle pain like that" Tani continued and the boys got offended "I'm not lying, if we had a pain simulator of our cramps at our periods and the birth pain, you wouldn't be able to handle the level one" Amanda spoke
"Now I feel offended, we can take level one" Chin said
"Then you guys go buy the simulator and we will see it" Tani said turning on the TV and making herself comfortable on the couch.
The boys left in a hurry to prove the girls wrong and not even 30 minutes later they were back with the machine.
Meanwhile, Vanessa was putting her clothes on to go back home.
"Omar was right, it didn't leave an ugly scar" Steve said analyzing his wife's belly. "Yeah, it's gonna get better each day" Vanessa grabbed her purse and Steve got Belinda and they left the room.
When they closed the door, the staff applauded them. Vanessa was shook and started crying "awn, you guys are the best! thank you for the love and care, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys"
She greeted every single one of them and then left home. As soon as they parked they noticed the cars outside and the nosies inside. They heard painful screams, but they didn't know what was going on. So Steve draw out the gun and opened the door
"What the hell is going on here?" he asked putting his gun away "i thought someone was being tortured" Vanessa said coming inside the house
"How you girls do this? Tani said that she doesn't even feel the pain level one on this thing" Junior said curled up on the couch
"A birth simulator?" Vanessa asked looking to the girls and they responded in unison "yes"
"Bro, the level one doesn't even bother and we actually don't quite fell it"
"Okay, women are superior, we recognize that" Lou said still recovering from his round on the simulator.
"Wait, you guys cleaned the house for us? that so sweet" Mrs. McGarrett said looking around the house holding a sleepy Belinda
"Yes, we just finished, how are you feeling?" Amanda asked her friend while taking her daughter from her grip, "I'm fine, no pain and rested" She smiled and sat with the rest of them.
It was a nice evening for all of them, everyone was alive and well, even for a short period of time they were relieved nothing tragic had happened to them.
"We should cook something, I'm starving" Steve said to the rest of them, ", don't you wanna cook something for us Danny? i need you italian dish" Amanda asked the blondie "yeah, i can do that, but only because I'm in a good mood today"
"well, that a miracle, we should definitely celebrate" Lou teased his friend and made everyone laugh. "Not funny big guy, not funny"
Danny left to the kitchen and while he cooked Vanessa was bathing Belinda.
"My sweet angle, one day you will hear all this crazy stories about you father and I and his team and you will not believe it, but they are all true, except Danny saying he is the best one of them, it's your daddy, he is the best one. I mean, they are all heros, but your dad saved us, so he is the best"
Vanessa finished her bath time and put on a cute little outfit on her and went down to eat.
"She is so cute!!! gimme her" Chin said grabbing his niece and playing with her.
"He wants another one sis" Steve said to his sister next to him. "And he will keep on wanting" she laughed and walked away.
Everyone sat at the table, Belinda was fast asleep after being breastfed by her mother, Steve was drinking his beer with his friends, Amanda and Vanessa was were talking about babies and Eddie was laying on the floor enjoying the agglomeration, he liked people. It was a perfect night after a long 3 days, it was all Vanessa needed and didn't realized.

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