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2 months later...

"STEVE! come help me real quick" it had passed  2 months now and Vanessa's belly was huge and putting clothes on was a task she could not do it by herelf sometimes, so calling for her husband was the way to go. 

Steve came running up the stairs being surprised with Vanessa laying down on the bed tryng to put on her blue jumper. "Wow, you really need help here" he laughed at that sight. "I mean yeah!" she put enphases at the end of the sentence with a face that gave the 'oh really'

"Okay, i'm coming, don't look at me like that" Steve zipped the back of her jumper. Vanessa lokked pist she couldn't even do a simple task such as zipping her clothes, but she was at the end of her pregnancy, only 3 weeks more and she would have her baby at her arms.

The couple decided to not find out the gender until the birth, so their anxiety levels were through the roof. "Why are you dressing up anyway? You are not to work are you?" Steve raised his eyebrows at his wife ready to stop her at the door if necessary. "yes?..." she shrunk her shoulders and made an innocent face. "No, you are not going Vanessa" Steve said unzipping her jumper "HEY" she screamed angry "you can go if you manage to zip it back up" he said and left the room

Vanessa struggled for a few minutes until she gave up and finally went down the stairs with her jumper open because she couldnt take it out either "can you.." she gestured to her clothes "yes baby, I can. Com here" Steve gently took off the jumpersuit and tossed to the couch. He kissed her neck from behind while hugginh her. not in a sexual way, just romantic. 

"Three more weeks for us to have our baby in our arms" Vanessa said gently rubbing her belly being followed by Steves strokes on her belly as well. As a response, the bay moved, quite a lot witch made them laugh. But, what they thought was going to be a nice day in, enjoying each other turned into a nightmare really quickly. 

about an hour after the cute momente between the couple, there was a break in, at theis house. Steve was cuddling Vanessa on the couch from behind and at the sound of the door being forced open he tried to reach out to his phone to call 911, since his gun was upstairs.

"The lady, over here" Vanessa was confused, dizzy and her face showed that. Her once lightly pink skin was now pale. Her organism constricted her blood vessels, her heart was racing and although she is usually not frozen by these events, she couldn't manage to put her feet in front o of the other. As soon as the man in black noticed Vanessa was frozen, he got her by the arm  and brought her to him. 

Steve saw there were other men around the house and he feared for his life, for her life. 

"Let her go" Steve demanded ready to fight whoever got in his way. "No, you do what i want, because if you dont, there will be a double funurel for you to prepare. "What do you want?" Steve made the smart decision that time. He couldn't fight them all without jepardising Vanessas well being. The man holding tight to Vanessa indicated to onw of the others there to lead Steve out the house. 

When they reached the outdoor part of their house another man gave him a folder, a folder taht contained some names in it, but they were coded, he only identified teh names because he knew them. It was from his old crew in the Navy. "What do you want from me with these?" 

"Find them" and with that the men left, but they didn't leave empty handed, they took Vanessa. "Leave her out this, let her stay" Steve shouted to the men taking her. She was agiteded, but trying to get out of their grip. "No, she is coming with us, she is going to be handy for us, now you have 48 hours to find these man, or you and your beautiful wife will pay the price. 

The happy Vanessa that was once in her body that morning left. She was now a killing machine, her adrenaline levels could make her kill them all. But she didn't do anything, because she feared for her baby. What if they harm he rbaby? what if they kill the baby? As a mother, thats all she could think about, and the thought of losing them, was sickning. 

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