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Steve's POV 

When i got to our bedroom Vanessa was already asleep. This pregnancy thing is taking away her ability to stay up. So i just changed her into more comfortable clothes and lay down next to her. 

I started to check my notifications on my phone when one of them got my attention, it was from an e-mail i did not recognized but the subject was Joe, so I went down stairs since i didn't know what was written on it and in case it was something that would make me upset i didn't want to wake my wife up. 

When i opened it it was a letter, but first it said who sent it. 

"It must be a surprise for you to receive this,  but i was directly asked to sent this to you after a year of his death. My name is Beth, I'm (when Joe died on the show, he said he had found the love of his life, i don't remember her name, so, if u know let me know in the comments so I can change it) Joe's partner if you want to see me like that, or even the love of his life. He asked me that in case he died before you, which he didn't think it would happen since you were always in trouble,  to send this letter to you. Now, i couldn't bring myself to face the address he gave me, so i threw it away, that way, I would never have the urge to come to your house and see for myself the wonderful man you've become. So, here is the letter... 

Hey, son, how you doing? I hope you are still alive and well, and that Beth sent you this. Its been a year since i died, I don't know  how i passed away, but I'm guessing you were there, and a part of me wishes it was dramatic and had a lot of action with you. In case i died of something boring I don't want to know, so don't go to my grave ending my fantasy of dying in combat with you. I hope i got the chance to tell you to not waste or whole life on the job and forget to have a life, a beautiful wife, and kids. I hope you can enjoy your life outside the job, and that you get to live a great love story that you don't die first and she has to bury you. I just wanted to know how important you are in my life, you have always been my son, my pride and joy. Live your life to the fullest, keep fighting for you, and the ones you love, but remember, this life you have, can take  so many things away from you son. I know you won't retire from being in the Navy and the Five-0, I know you better than that, but be careful son. Lots of love from the after life. 

Love, Joe White 

When i finished reading the letter i realized tears falling down in my face. I couldn't bring myself to stop crying after all those words, i wish Joe could meet Vanessa, he would love her, love her bad ass side  and how she can control me with her eyes. 

I stayed downstairs just sinking in all that happened in my life and i didn't realized how late it was that when i looked towards the stairs i saw Vanessa walking down with her hair on a very messy bun and one of my Navy shirts. She looked so cute, but also confused on why i was still up. 

-Joe's wife sent me a letter from him - i said showing her the screen of my phone. 

She came to me and did not say a word and just sat there with me running her hands through my hair. we were there, at 3 am, silent, just enjoying each other's company, and there we stayed till the next morning after me and her fell asleep on the couch. When we woke up Danny was on our living room taking pictures of us, he is gonna use them for sure.

-You have to stop coming into my house like that Danny

-And you need a better security system Steve-

- I gotta agree on that baby. Good morning Danno 

-Good morning doctor

-Oh crap! I have to work - Vanessa got up in a hurry and sped to our bedroom

-Wait till she realize that she still have time, Danny said sitting next to me

-What time is it?
-And why are you here so early? Did Rachel threw you out the house?
-Rach.. wait, how did u...
-I'm an Army guy, I know things
-Okay, that's creepy, but no, she didn't
-So what happened?
-We got a case
- and nothing, u weren't answering your damn phone so I came here, we gotta go
-Ok, imma just change and we can go

Vanessa's POV
I walked into the hospital early today and went straight to my office, I needed to sign some papers before my scheduled surgeries. I was at my office for about five minutes when James, one of my residents walked in

-Morning Dra. Croft
-Morning James, tô what's do I owe the pleasure of your visit?
-nothing much, just to say that  just I finished the rounds and that Amanda is here to see u

-Really? did something happened to her? Henry?
-I think is with her, she didn't wanna say
-Okay, take me to her would u?
- Of course, follow me


-Amanda McGarrett, what happened to you?

- it's good to see you too best friend - she said sarcastically
- Spill it - I said while putting my gloves on to exam her
- I was walking to the kitchen this morning when my vision went black and I woke up on the floor with Henry crying, so I don't know what happened
-Is he ok? who is he with?
-He is fine, Chin took him to work today
-Well, he is going to love that, but let's take a look on you and run some test ok?

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