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It has passed 3 months since Belinda's birth and today it was the first day back for Steve.
"Are you sure i can go?" He asked for the tenth time to his wife that day.
"YES Steve! We both know you need this, just go, we'll be fine"
"Ok, call me if anything happens ok?" "Alright commander, i will "
After McGarrett left, Vanessa went to see Belinda, but when she got there, there was no sign of her daughter.

I started to panic.
I was hyperventilating, taquicardic, my palms were sweaty and my legs started shaking.
I knew that every minute counts, so I grabbed my phone and called Steve.

I had left the house about 5 minutes ago, and Vanessa was already calling me
"Miss me already?"
(Heavy breathing)
"Hello? Vanessa?"
"They took Belinda"
"What?" I stopped the car immediately on the side of the road and turned around to go back to our house
"Vanessa what happened? Are you hurt?"
"No, i just went to her room and she wasn't there. She was there when you woke up, but not anymore"
"Don't move, I'm coming home, call Duke, he is on call today"
She ended the call and I called the team. Danny answered on the third ring "someone took Belinda, I'm going home to see Vanessa, and you and the team go try and find her, I don't care what needs to be done, just do it"
"What? Omg, we'll be right on it"

"guys, we have a case, the most important one, Belinda was kidnapped"
Their faces went blank
"When?" Tani asked already going to the computer to log onto McGarrett's security cameras
"This morning, about 15 minutes ago"
"I'm calling forensics and calling down there" Lou said sprinting to his office.

Meanwhile Vanessa was trying to find any clues around her daughter's bedroom. She walked around the room carefully to not compromise the scene when she heard the front door open.
"Babe? Where you at?" Steve called for his wife
"Up here"
"What are you doing?" Steve went upstairs to his wife looking around the bedroom
"I'm trying to see if anything is out of place"
"You should come sit, the team is on their way, did you call Duke?"
"Yes, he is coming as well, and told me he put an alert on the island, cops all over are stopping the cars to see if they find her"
"Good, that's good"
Vanessa hugged her husband like her life depended on it
"McGarrett? We didn't find any fingerprints that weren't yours or Vanessa's, there is nothing on the cameras" Fong said through the phone.
It had been an hour since Belinda's disappearance, Croft was now acting like nothing happened, she was denying the fact her daughter was kidnapped, Steve was worried about her, but he knew that if he tried to take her out of her state, she would be worse, and he couldn't deal with that.
HPD was looking and stopping every car on the island, the traffic had stopped across Oahu, people were angry about that, but nothing mattered to Steve, he had imunity and means, Governor's words, and he would sure use them go find his baby girl.
It was now 4pm, Danny called with some news
"Listen Steve, imma be honest with you ok? It's time to look on the woods "
"No! She has to be in the city Daniel! She has to be "
"You are not yourself right now, that's why, we are directing some teams to go look for her in the woods, they have been looking for about and hour for her in the woods"
"Danny..." Steve cried, he cried for the first time in front of his teammates
Danny didn't know what to do
"Man, don't do this ok? We are going to find her, I promise you"

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