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It's been a week since the incident and we are back to Hawai'i. 

It turns out no one pushed her, she passed out. What a specific place to pass out huh? Right  at the edge of the cliff. But its fine now, we found out that the reason she fainted was a baby. Yes, she is pregnant! I am the happiest man alive right now. Today we are gonna surprise our family and friends with the news. Vanessa is still sleeping like a rock by my side, so i am gonna get up and cook some breakfast to her. I make my way to the kitchen and started to cook her favorites, vanilla pancakes and orange juice. Not longer I started cooking i heard a loud noise followed by two gunshots, so I ran as fast as i can with my gun on my hands to our room to find Vanessa on top of a bleeding guy and the gun raised at him. 

- What's going on here?! Who are you? Are you ok babe? i asked her and the man on the floor on panic mode

- He tried to kidnap me. She was way to calm for the situation 

-Get up man, you going to jail - i said grabbing him by his shirt and calling Duke to come arrest him. 

When I came back to the house she was going up the stairs to clean the blood on our room

-Hey love, are you okay? 

-I am fine as i can be. He didn't  do anything to me tho

- What exactly happened? i hugged her and looked down at her beautiful hazel eyes

- I was at the bathroom washing my face when i heard him opening the window, so i grabbed your gun and hid myself, he then came to the bathroom and tried to grab me, so I immobilized him, draged him to the bedroom, where we kinda fought and...

-Wait? you guys had a fight? you have to be careful with the Baby Vanessa

-I know! but I had to protect myself.. so, I got on top of him and shot him, like that

-Please, next time you call me so we don't lose this baby ok?
-Ok, I'm sorry
-no, don't be! you saved your lives, that's amazing.. now, let's eat cuz we have a long day ahead of us.

Vanessa's POV

After all the events from this morning Steve and I ate breakfast, showered and went to the Five-0 HQ to surprise the team.

-Am I seeing correctly? - Danny said watching us coming through the door

-I dont know Danno, do you see a happy couple walking past the door? - I replied 

-I definitely see a happy couple - he came and hugged me - Steve told me what happened this morning, you badass 

-I always knew she was a badass - Lou said from his office door. i went to hug him, being swallowed by his body

-So, where is the rest of the team? - Steve asked missing Tani and Junior

-They are on a case, its probably nothing, they should be here soon

- Good, because we have news - Steve said with a straight face and made his way to his office, i just looked at the boys with a confused look and followed my husband 

For the following hour we just sat at Steve's office waiting on Tani and Junior to come back to the HQ, and also talked to Amanda and Chin for a moment before Junior made his way to the smart table followed by Tani whom had malassadas bags on her hands, and man..  how tasty that looked to my pregnant self.

They all looked at us while we walked towards the smart table.

-So, imma meet it simple and fast - Steve started
-We are pregnant!! - we said together and their faces were priceless

-NO WAY! - Danny screamed
-YES WAY!! we just found out

Tani was looking like a kid seeing candy, Lou was making jokes about Steve being a dad, Danny was also pecking on his best friend and Chin was calling Amanda to tell her.
Everyone was excited about the idea of a baby McGarrett, and that made me super happy. I wouldn't be alone on this one.

later that day, me and Steve facetimed my brother and my parents to let them know about the pregnancy.

-Oh my baby is having a baby - my mom cried on the phone

my dad was the happiest man in Earth that he would have another grandchild but also kinda jealous to think I had sex hahaha... poor man.


-So, long day huh? - Steve asked me hugging me from behind

-Yes, I am soo tired, I think I'm going to bed early

-Okay, go take a shower and I will be right there with snacks

-On my way!

I head to our bedroom, took a shower and waited for my husband to come. but, looks like I was too tired to wait so I ended falling fast asleep before he even got the snacks ready.

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