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When Vanessa and Steve arrived at the hospital, the doctors came right a way taking Doris out of the ambulance and rushing her to the OR.
Steve wanted his fiance to perform the surgery but she didn't have time to get out of the dress and scrub for the surgery. Soon enough Mrs. Croft and Mr.Croft entered the hospital alongside Mary and little Joan.

-How is she? - Mary asked Vanessa giving that Steve was not to be seen
-She is at surgery right now, they said she is going to be fine... Have you seen Steve?
-No, I was gonna ask you the same thing -. Mary responded looking aroun me the room

Vanessa's POV
Doris was out but Steve was nowhere to be seen, so I went to look for him.
I was about to give up when I heard him speaking on the phone with someone, I came behind and hugged him from behind putting my head on his back. He put his hand over mine squeezing it.

-Thanks Danny - he said and hang up

-Your mom is out. She is fine - i said quietly watching him put the phone on his pocket

He turned his face to me, looked at me , didn't say a word and went inside the hospital. Not to long after he was inside her hospital room.

The hours passed and all of us had already seen her. My mom was worried about my dress painted in red and my dad was just worried about the food for the reception. I was at my office when one of the residents destined to Doris came through my door saying that Steve and Doris were fighting, so I came all the way to her room

You need to let it go!
-i can't Steve, i can't! It's my life
Mom! You almost lost your life on MY WEDDING DAY!
-son, is not that easy
It should be Doris, it should be

After I heard all of that I was about to go inside when Steve opened the door

-Go to my office, I'll just check on her - we both knew I heard the fight,but I know he appreciated me pretending not to.

-So... Ready to leave the spy life behind? - i asked Doris after closing the door

-No, I'm not. Would you be?

-I would if my job someday represented risk to my life and family, and I think you should too

After I said that I left the room and went to my office, closing the door and the blinds making the room dark and peaceful. I walked slowly to him while unziping my wedding dress and  sitting on my table facing him with my legs stretched on each end of the chair he was sitting on.

-She will come to her senses babe - I said while he rested his hands on my thighs and leaned his head to my right thigh resting his head there. I started messing with his hair and not long after that he fell asleep.

Not gonna lie, my leg was already numb when Amanda entered the office with my clothes

-How is he holding with our mom thing?

-Worst than I expected - I grabbed my clothes and signed to her get him off my leg so I could change

-I know, it's too much for everyone. I think he is only this devastated because was his weddiing day - Amanda said making sure Steve was comfortable at the chair and not awake


The hours passed and Steve woke up more calm. Doris was doing good and had decided to leave the agency and officially retire. Mary, Amanda and Steve were happy with the news and we're currently at their mom's hospital room. Vanessa was driving her parents to her old house and also leaving her dress to be washed hopefully to what it used to be

-Honey, sure you are ok with how things went down yesterday? - Mrs.Croft asked her daughter after arriving at the house

-No mom, but I am happy no one died, so that's a plus

-Totally. So I'mma go take a shower and get some sleep, you should do that too

- I will mom. I'm just going to drop the dress off and go home before going back to the hospital

They exchanged a few more words and Vanessa left to the drycleaner.
On her way back to the hospital after showering and eating, Steve called asking for some malassadas

-sure, I'll bring them to you ... Okay babe, I'm almost there... set your stomach to rest commander ... Bye

Vanessa's POV

As soon as I stepped inside the parking lot, I saw my resident waving at me, and that could only mean one thing. Something happened.

-Morning James, what do we have today?

-There is the report from Mr. Will's case that you have to sign for the obituary.

-Sure - i signed it and went straight to give the caveman his malassadas

- you know I love you? - Steve asked his bride with his mouth full of pastry

- only because I bring you food Steve ?

- no, but since you did bring me food I decided to appreciate it - he said with a dorky smile on his face making me peck his lips

3hours later...

-uhm.. babe, do you know who the attacker is?

- yes, he is dead btw
-wait what?!
-yes, Danny did it. They found the guy and killed him trying to arrest him

-and who was he?
-the agency president
-shh, keep it low Vanessa! Yes, that's right. My mom had information about his criminal activities and he wanted her dead, that's it.

-i definitely chose the craziest family ever - Vanessa laughed at her statement and they continued talking till they were both asleep at their house.

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