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Vanessa's POV
I got up from the couch and headed to the smart table room. When I got there they were fighting about who leaked information on a secret case they had, because apparently the person who broke in was looking for that.
-I need to know if any of you told about this case to anyone outside this office - Steve demanded
He was tense, his back muscles were contracted like he was ready for a fight. His voice was loud and terrifying to hear, you body hair would lift up just by the sound of his voice.
No one dates to talk, you could literally hear a feather fall on the ground.
- Babe?
When I called for him his hands opened from the fist position they were, his muscles relaxed and he turned around to see me
- How about we go home? None of this yelling is good. Right now, we need to focus on finding out who tried to rob you, and not if someone did or didn't talk about this secret case.
- I see you guys tomorrow.
That's the only thing he said without even looking at them. They all quickly got out the door, leaving only me and Steve at the HQ. It was already 7 pm and I was tired from all of this commotion, Steve saw that and had pity on me.
-So you really think one of them said something?
-At first I thought so, but now I am not so sure. They wouldn't do that to me
- What is this case exactly?
- Governmental, I can't talk about honey, you know that
- I know, I know, but are you afraid of who is coming for us?
- No one is coming for us Vanessa! No one!
We were on our way home, and his response got him all tense again. His nockles were White from gripping to hard onto the steering wheel.
- Okay, but either way,we have to be prepared,we have a kid on the way, have you forgotten about it?
Now it was my time to get defensive. He always keeps these important parts from me, like I was weak and wouldn't be able to take things like him.
- I know Vanessa, I know, but right now there is no need for worries - he parked the car in our garage and I got out the car furious
-I say if there is or not something to worry about Steve, I say! You fear nothing, not even your life, so I get to worry for you, for me, AND for this baby. You don't feel the need to worry anytime, because you don't fear nothing, you worry about nothing, so I get to say when it's time to worry or not!
I walked out on him and inside the house. I made my way to the bedroom and laid on the bed. Not too long after he comes in and sista by my side, doesn't say s word and lay down next to me. We both slept silent and woke up silent. And that the last thing I remember from him that week.

short, I know, but I hope you guys like it! <3

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