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Danny's POV
I knew something bad had happened, Steve never cries unless a tragedy involving him had happened, so I tracked his phone to Croatia, got on a plane and flew to help him.

Once I was out the plane I called Steve again to give me directions to his house, he barely spoke to me, but I just focused on getting to him. On my way to his house I had the idea to try Vanessa's phone again, and once more she didn't pick up, the thing that made him cry is definitely about her. The doorman looked at me with pitty in his eyes when I asked for Steve's apartment and that did not ease my nerves. 
The closer I got to his door the louder the screams and cry got, so I withdraw my gun and knocked on the door, when Steve opened the door he looked wrecked and just hugged me tight.
"Steve, tell me what happened" I said guiding him to his couch.
"Vanessa... she is gone"
"What do you mean she is gone? Did she just left you here with Belinda?"
I couldn't get the message, but whatever it was, he needed help.
He said it with so much pain in his voice that it broke my heart, she was really dead.
"Steve, look at me - he didn't look - LOOK AT ME"
His eyes met mine and I hugged him again with that promises that he would be fine.
"Have you eaten? More importantly, did Belinda eat?"
"She doesn't want to eat, I tried, not even water"
"And it's been how many days?"
"oh Damn, I will try to calm her down and feed her, you go shower and prepare your bags, we are going back home"
"Danny.." He looked down, like he had no strength for anything
"Brother, you have to, for your daughter,  come on, you can do it"
He finally went and I started on my mission with Belinda
"Sweet girl, please" I rocked her but nothing made her settle, so I looked over and saw a laptop, maybe there was a video of Vanessa there that would make her calm and eat. I grabbed the computer and found a video, I played it and the more she listened to her voice and saw her face she calmed down.
After about 10 minutes she ate and drank a whole bottle of milk I had prepared for her.
Steve was taking to long to come out, so I went looking for him. With Belinda on my arms a little fussy I opened the bedroom door to see Steve staring blank at the window.
"Steve? Steve" he turned his head to me
"Are you ready?" She shook his head and looked at the window again.
"Look, she stopped crying, see? And I think she needs her father right now"
I passed Belinda to his arms, who quickly went to sleep. Me and Steve made our way to the door and to the airport.
We had a lot of bags with us, mostly Vanessa's stuff, he wanted Belinda to have them once she was older, he had her white coat, stethoscope, clothes, perfume, and more special things she liked.

Steve's POV
I couldn't believe I was back at Oahu, I looked around expecting to see everything different and changed, but it was all the same. Belinda was peacefully asleep by my side and Danny was driving to the house that was once mine.
"What are we doing here? I told you fo sell this place" I questioned him as soon as he stopped the car
"I knew you would come back, so I didn't sell"
I stepped out the car and was greeted by Eddie's jumps, I couldn't help but smiling to him, after all he reminded me of her.

After a few days and a lot of negotiations Vanessa's body was finally at home. Her parents were at my place, and her brother was on his way with his wife and kids. Danny and Lou were taking care of the house while I was dedicating my time to Belinda and arranging the funeral details. Her mother was too sad to help, after all she just lost her daughter.
"How are you doing kid?" My father in law asked me while I watched the sun come down with Belinda sucking her bottle. Her eyes were glued to the ocean
Making their blue and green colors pop.
"I trying Mr. Croft, I really am. But it's hard, everywhere I look i see her. I've been through this before with my dad but this hurts more"
"This doesn't hurt more Steve, it's the same pain, but right now it feels worst, but you can do it"

Her funeral was beautiful, Belinda seemed to understand what was happening  but at the same time she seemed like she didn't know anything. After the service she was happy playing on top of her grave.
I watched in distance with Mr and Mrs Croft by my side, and after a while we watched her fall asleep on the grave and that's when I picked her up and drove to the house.

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