Chapter 7. Dals back story

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Dallys POV

I really liked Meds company, I usually try and walk around with Pony and Johnny but they're both at school. I guess Meds had the day off cuz of her eye.

I try and not be an asshole around her, because she's a real nice girl.

I didn't mean to knock the wind outta her, I guess I forgot she wasn't doing to well.

I hated Kevin, but I hate all Socs so not a surprise I didn't like him.

When Meadow came back that night, well it was devastating for the whole gang and me. I wanted to go out and find the fucker, but Johnny told me not to.

Johnny is the only one who knows I have a crush on Meadow. But nothing could ever happen between us.

One Steve, Steve's not a huge fan of his little sister being with anyone. It took a lot of convincing to let her date Kevin.

Two the gang sees me as a one night only type of thing, and that is true but what they forget is I have a passed too.

Back in New York i had to live off of what the streets and my gang gave me. I got in a fight ever other day, I've killed kids just to survive. I don't bring up at my past because I don't think the gang cares that much.

I did have a girlfriend once and no not Sylvia, back in New York.

Her name was Madi, she was a brunette. Her eyes sparkled like a crystal clear lake, her smile shined as bright as the sun. I got butterfly's ever time I was around her, we were both 10 when we started dating.

About five months before I moved to Tulsa, something bad happened.

It was a normal Sunday, I was walking to tell Madi that I was moving. but that did change how I felt, and that I would try and keep in contact with her.

I could hear screams from about a block away, so I started to pick up my pace. I couldn't tell if it was Madi's voice, but when you hear someone screaming you go towards it.

Then I heard those words that I can't get out of my head.

Dallys POV in New York


Madi? I started to run. Who ever is hurting my girl, their dead!



As I was rounding the corner, that's when I saw it..

Madi with a grown ass man behind her holding a gun to her head.

My heart stoped. It felt hard to breathe. My head was getting fuzzy.

I started to take a step forward.

"You come any closer kid and I'll shoot her."

I stopped dead in my tracks, I have never been in this situation before. I was try to come up with something that could save Madi's life but take mine.

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