Chapter 8. Why I want to leave

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Meadows POV

Dals been pretty quiet, he hasn't said anything for this whole walk.

"Hey Dal? You felling alright?"

"Oh yeah....sorry i was just thinking."

I left it at that, I wasn't gonna push to get an actual answer.

I hated going into my house, especially when Steve wasn't here. My dad liked to pick on me when it came to hitting. I've had to go to the hospital before, I was in there for like 2 weeks.

Dal knows I don't like going in my house. I'm pretty sure he would offer to come in with me but, my dad hates everyone. Besides dally couldn't take on my dad, especially when he's drunk.

We reached to front of my house, I entered though the gate and Dally stayed behind.

"I should only take like 10 minutes."

" safe."

I walked up the stairs to the front of my house, I started to turn the doorknob. I'm a pretty anxious person, so the fact my hand was shaking uncontrollably didn't surprise me.

I entered hell.

There was paper everywhere, bottles, chairs were turned upside down.

I shut the door, and walked in more. I couldn't see or hear my dad. It was like being in a horror movie but 2 times more scary, because you really don't know if your gonna get killed.

I could tell my mom up and left, she usual does, she sleeps with some dude comes back home, yells at my dad then leaves again. This happens all the time.

My dad has pulled a gun on me before lucky it wasn't loaded, Because I would have died.

I started to walk up the stairs towards my room. Being very careful of the squeaky steps.

I only hit 2 squeaks this time, so I should be good.

I got to the top of the stairs turned the conner and there he was, passed out on the floor bottle in hand spilt all over the floor.

I turned to the first door on the right (my room) opened the door walked in and shut it behind me, making sure to lock it.

Steve let me have the closest room to the stairs and the room that could lock, because if anything were to happen that I could get away fast.

I open all my dresser drawers grab a pair of light blue jeans, a black top, a brown flannel and a pair of black converse.

I walked over to my mirror. There I look like me know.

I put my hair up into two French braids, it was way easier to take care of when it's up and out of my face.

I put Pony and Sodas stuff into a bag, put it in a drawer closed it (I'll come back and get it later) and started to walk towards my door, but something didn't feel right. I just had a bad feeling in my stomach, I opened the door anyway.

When I opened the door he was standing right there. My dad right in front of my door, holding a knife.

Shit, the one day Steve isn't home.

"You slut! Why the fuck are you here! Your such a whore! You woke me up, you gotta pay."

My dad never called me Princess or sweetheart, it was always slut, whore, dumbass, bastard. I've gotten use to it.

"I'm really sorry dad, I didn't mean to. If you let me leave now I won't come back."

If he let me go I'd probably come back, well maybe I wouldn't.

"No, no. Not this time, this time your gonna pay. And big brother Steve isn't here to save you."

I like to think that Steve is my Guardian angel but his more like a wolf.

"Dad please just let me go."

I started to cry, I've never felt so scared in my life.

There's so much I haven't done or seen. I wanted kids, I wanted to get married to the love of my life. I wanted a job, I wanted a house. I wanted to see the gang grow up. I knew that it couldn't always be socs and greasers.

"Your not going anywhere."

I started to panic, I didn't know what to do. I started to run out my door but he grad my arm, I wasn't gonna scream cuz then Dal would come in and he doesn't need to die.

I started to squirm it was only making this worse. His grip was only getting stronger, I was  gonna have a bruise there.

I could see the knife coming towards my face, I moved so that it didn't hit my good eye. The knife got my four head. I started to bleed everywhere.

"Now look you've got blood all over my floor!"

"Now I've? I haven't done shit, did I cut myself with that knife? I don't think so. So really you got blood on the floor."

Damn it Meadow why are you such a dumbass all the time. That's really the best thing I could come up with. Why, why me.

My dad was know a fire breathing dragon.

He started to drag me to the stairs, I couldn't get free.

Please, please don't push me down the stairs.

We got to the top of the stairs and then my dad said....

"If you die, I don't care. If Steve kills him self, I don't care. If I have to shot some dumb mother fucker, I don't care."

And with that he pushed me down the stairs, head first.

I put my hands in front of me to try and protect my head, it didn't help much.

When I hit the bottom of the stairs, everything was hurting. I could hear my dad coming down the stairs, shit.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he kicked me a few times and then went and sat on the couch.

After my dad was sitting on the couch I tried to get up, it was no use. I just laid there not moving, and trying to clam myself down.

After a few minutes I tried getting up again, I got on my knees. I took a look at my hands, they were all banged up. So we're my arms I could tell because my flannel was all torn up. My legs were banged up too, but the pants kinda helped. There was still blood, another pair of pants that I can only wear to a rumble or playing football.

I got to my feet, I clutched my rib cage. Definitely fractured a few, my nose. My nose was broken, I've had a broken nose before. Between Steve and I, we've probably had over 20 broken noses.

I started to head for the door I was a little wobbly but not to bad. I open the front door and before I left I yelled.


A/N sorry this chapter took so long I've had a lot of homework I'll try to post the next one a lot sooner 💜

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