Chapter 10. Boys will be boys

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I walked outside to the front yard, Steve followed close behind.

"Guys I really think is a bad idea."

Johnny, that kid is a scared little puppy. He gets kicked around by his folks, the gang is like his family. Well shoot if he didn't have us he'd be dead.

"Johnny, it'll be fine; can you do me a favour?"

"Yeah- I guess."

"Can you go inside and keep an eye on Meds?"


I ruffed up his hair a little and he started to walk inside, but under his breath he said.

"Thank god."

Ever since he got jumped he hated watching people get beat up.

Before he got jumped he didn't mind it, but he can't stand it any more; I don't blame him.

"Winston. Are we gonna do this or not?"

"Randle, are you really asking me if we're gonna do this? Well shit, I didn't know you were the get down and dirty kind."

"You better watch it."

"Oh my god I'm so scared, the kid who gets too many broken noses is coming after me! Someone help!"

I laughed after saying that sarcastic line. I really do crack myself up sometimes, I can see why Two-Bit does it all the time.

"That's it you little bitch!"

Steve came running at me.

He really is stupid, he didn't even have his fists up. I don't think he knows one thing about fighting.

When Steve got close enough I put him in a head lock and brought him to the ground.

"See Steve the thing about fighting is you have to have your fists up."

Steve then proceeded to kick my knee which made me let go of him.

He got on his knees and one hand on the ground and the other on his throat. Steve was fine, I didn't choke him that hard.

I got up on my feet and so did Steve, but he still didn't have his fists up. They never learn.

I put my fists down and went to say something but before I could say a word Steve came at me with his fists up. Shit, I guess I shouldn't have told him.

He punched me right in the nose, it's not broken but it hurts like hell; and now I was bleedin.

"Thanks for the lesson."

Steve had this smug smirk on his face.

I wiped my thumb throw the blood under my nose. I started to smile too, but not the good kind.

"Your lucky it's not broken, or I'd do a lot more to you then I'm going to right now."

I ran right at Steve bring him to the ground once again but this time I got on top of him and started punching the shit out of him.

Johnny's POV

I walked inside the Curtis house and sat on the floor by the couch where Meds was passed out.

Meds was a pretty little thing, could be a soc if Steve weren't no greaser.

Meds cared for me the same way Dal cared for me but she was more wise with the words she used around me, Dal not so much.

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