Chapter 11. Enough

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Dallas just looked up at me.

"I asked you a question dumb ass!"

"Can you not use your eyes, kiddo?"

After that remark Dallas smirked

"Yes I have eyes and I can see, but I asked you a question and I expect you to answer me."

"I don't have to do anything I don't want."

"You piss me off so much! I don't even know why I hang out with you!"

"Me neither!"

"Guys common, stop this. Meadow go back in the house and dally go to the bar."

Darry the dad of the group always trying to keep everybody safe, but I wasn't gonna listen to Darry today.

I ignored him

"Dallas Winston get up off my brother now."

"And if I don't, what?"

I looked right in his eyes and slapped him right across the face, you could hear the from a mile away.

I shoved him off my bother.

"Steve you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, what about you?"

"Well I'm about to kill someone so pretty great."

You smile so does Steve

"Don't over do it Meds, okay?"

Steve pretty much let me do what I want, so it was no surprise that he didn't try to stop me from killing Dally

"Now Dallas we can do this the easy way or the hard way, what do you want?"

Dally hated being called Dallas, that's why I'm doing it right now

"Really kid? You gotta be joking."

"Oh no I'm not."

"Fine then, let's go hard way."

He looked right into my soul with those mysterious dark brown eyes, so I looked right back with my green eyes

"Okay guys enough, I mean it. Meds go inside. Dal hit the road for a couple of hours. Shows over."

I hated Darry sometimes, that's only because not only is he my friend he like a dad to me

"But Darry, why can't I just knock him out?"

I said with puppy eyes

"Because your not lookin to great, and I said so"

I looked right at dally after I knew I wasn't gonna get to hit him

"Yeah run alone Dallas."

I smirk, and skipped away before dally could say anything to me

But under he's breath I could a quiet "fuck off" I had won, that made me happy.

The rest of the gang came into the house, I sat back on the couch and Steve came and joined me. I was at the right end Steve in the middle, Soda on the left end, Two-bit on the floor, Johnny on the arm of couch near Soda, Pony on the floor against Sodas legs and Darry in his arm chair.

We were all quiet, I guess we couldn't think of what to say.

"So....who wants to play a game?"

Two-bit said in is not normal up beat tone

"You guys can, but if it's ok with Darry I'm gonna go and lay down."

"Yeah that's fine Meds, you need help?"

Shit, that was it; I snapped. I hated everyone treating me like a kid! I'm 15! For god sake I can take care of myself!

"NO, I don't need any help! I'm sick of being treated like a kid! I'm not 10! I'm 15! I can HANDLE MYSELF!!"

I stormed of outside and just started walking, I didn't care. I knew it was getting pretty late; I still didn't care.

"Meadow!!!! Where are you going!?!?"

Steve, the only person who can actually calm me down; but now I'm walking away.


I could hear him starting to run after me, I turned about with tears in my eyes. (The puffiness of my black eye just went down too)

Steve was about 5 feet away from me now

"Common back, Meadow. I know you know that we don't think of you as a kid. We're all just concerned about you right know."

"Well stop, I'm fine; go back to Curtis house. I'm not coming back for a while."

I turned back around and started to walk away again. For a distance I could hear this being said

"Steve common, she'll be back."

Soda, the only one who could clam Steve down. I tried to clam Steve down one time, it didn't work. So I always just got Soda.

I could hear the footsteps getting more and more quiet, he was walking away.

I was happy for a little bit, about 5 minutes. Then I felt nothing; nothing. I couldn't believe myself, nothing I felt nothing.

I don't recommend just walking and not knowing where your going, because you end up in places you don't wanna be.

I walked for about 30 minutes and then realized I was getting pretty close to the spot I last saw Kevin, then I felt something.

I got on to the grass and broke down; not crying though, just....guilt.

I felt guilty for been with Kevin for so long, and my dad hitting on me, and the way I treated the gang.

I sat on the cold grass for a long while, not really think but not not thinking.

When all of a sudden I could feel a person stand and staring at me. It wasn't Steve or any of the gang, shit.

"Hey there sweetheart."

I knew that voice anywhere

"What you doing around here?"

Kevin, I was in his house now. Those words that he said to me that night

"The next time I see your face your dead."

A/n- hope you like it!🤍

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