Chapter 3. The long walk home

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It can't just be me. It just can't.

I could feel my heart getting heavy and I could feel the tires at the edge of my eyes, but I wasn't gonna show it.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Kev put me back into reality, he really didn't want me to see em. He didn't want me to see my family.

"You son of a bitch!"

Why, why did I have to say that. Of all things I could've have said I said that, nice one Meadow.

"What did you say?"

He knew what I said but that was he's way of giving me a second chance.

"You heard me, son of a bitch."

And there I go again, I just had to be any idiot tonight. didn't I.

"So I guess you do want a black eye."

I knew running wasn't gonna do anything so I just sat there and told myself, it'll be fine just get it over and done with.

He just stared at me, And didn't do anything. was he waiting for me to run? Was kev actually gonna give me a black eye tonight? I decided that it was taking to long so I said

"Just do already!!"

And not to my surprise he did, and right on target. It hurt so much more then running into a metal pole, I don't think kev has ever hit me that hard.

I couldn't help myself, I started to cry and I couldn't stop.

Tonight was supposed to be perfect, this wasn't supposed to happen. The love I thought I had for Kevin was gonna, and what sat there was a scared girl who wanted out of that place.

"We're done, this is done, me and you we are no more! I don't want to see you again KEVIN!"

I started to walk off into the night sky, it was gonna be a long walk back home (I mean the Curtis house) when that son of a bitch had to say this

"Ok fine but your dead next time I see your face! You whore!"

I just keep walking not really caring what he said, it only took me 2 years to realize that Kevin was abusive.

I knew that it was gonna be about and 1 hour and a half to walk back, it would normally take and hour but seeing the shape I'm in I knew I was gonna walk slow.

I finally stop crying, it only took 20 minutes. I have never cried that hard in my life, I hope to not do that again.

At this point I wanted to stop walking and just curl up on the ground, and fall asleep with the stars looking down on me. But I knew that if I wasn't at the Curtis house by morning, they'd send a search party looking for me. So I just keep walking and told myself that I couldn't pass out till I got to the Curtis house.

I'm not that fit but I do track with pony, he's way better then I am but I still try my best. But I haven't been to track in a while, which was clearly showing.

My shoes were killing me and I still had about an hour left, so I just took me off and continued walking. I wasn't even worried about glass or blades that could just be lying around, my mind was set on seeing Steve.

God I wish he was here right know, and that I was in his car and we were just going for a drive. We've always protected each other it's first nature, and I'm certain this was gonna kill Steve. Seeing me all bruised up and almost passed out.

I have about 20 minutes left and I started to really slow down, *stay a wake, stay a wake Meadow. You have to stay a wake.*

I got to the lot and was happy I made it this far that I stared to cry, they were happy tears. The tears were light which was nice, I wasn't trying to gasp for air.

As I was nearing the Curtis house I started to question going in, it was quite early in the morning. I didn't want to wake anyone up, especially if Dar had to work tomorrow.

I could feel myself swaying back and forth, which to be honest was making me nauseous. So I decided to walk a little faster, which wasn't a smart idea but I did it anyway.

I got to the door and opened it, and to my surprise all the boys were up.

They all sprung up, like they were made of rubber.

I could see the look on Steve's face, anger, sadness and confusion. Ponyboy had a look of he new it, but also being concerned. Tow-bit wasn't cracking any jokes and had a serious face. Sodapop was crying a little, which I didn't know why. Darry had that sad father look to him. Johnny was looking at the ground, probably remembering the night he got jumped. Dally was banging on the wall, and was cussing under his breath.

"I'm sorry..."

And with those last words I passed out cold.

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