Chapter 19. Memories

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"Will it hurt?" I ask like a child.

"Only a little bit, but I promise it will make you feel better." Dr. Jack was like the dad I always wanted, talking calm, reassuring me, and just being kind.

All I did was nod my head. Dally and Darry were still holding me done, but Dally had started to rub this thumb up and down my arm; trying to Comfort me.

"Okay Meadow, my going to Count down from 3 then I'll pour the solution on your neck." Dr. Jack looked at me and all I did was smile. "Boys hold her tight." Darry and Dallys grip got tighter, I wanted to cry; I felt like a porcelain doll not able to move or I'll shatter to pieces.


"OWWWWWWW YOU FUCKER! YOU WENT ON TWO!!!! NOT ONEEEE!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"I'm sorry Meadow but it was easier that way, then you wouldn't and tensed up." Dr. Jack was right but I was still mad.

"It's fine I just." I whispered, Dally then kissed my check and said;

"Well done baby, you did such a good job." And with that he kissed my check one more time.

"Aright you can let go now boys." Dally and Darry let go and went back to sitting in the Conner of the room.

"Alright Meadow I'm just gonna wrap it all up with some bandages and then your free to go, but I want to see you back her in two weeks; can you do that?" Dr. Jack cocked an eyebrow in a way that made my smile.

"Yes Dr. I'll be back in two weeks, and I'll be with one of these guys." I gave a slight chuckle and so did Dr. Jack.

The Dr. Finished up wrapping my next and we went out to Darrys car, both the boys sat in front, I sat in the back; on the way home.


"Yes Darry?" I could tell he wanted to have one of those dad talks with me, because he was looking in the rearview mirror right at me. So I looked out the window.

"You and Steve need to have a talk. I know you probably don't want to but you need to, Steve loves you; and I know you love him." Darry was right. Steve just always wanted to protect me, I know that; but he won't let me grow up. I did answer Darry but I knew he knew I heard what he said.

When we got home I could tell the rest of gang was there, because they were all playing football in the front yard. They all looked like we're have so much fun....I felt bad because I had keep Dally and Darry from playing. I had stop them from making memories with the rest of the gang. I had also gotten myself into to much trouble recently, I broke down crying in the car. Dally and Darry both turned around in there sets, Dally reached to put he's had on my check.

"Hey it's okay, why you crying baby?"

"You guys, are....are better wit.....without me....." I said in between sobs. (I find myself crying a lot these days)

"Oh no, that's not true; why would you say that?"
Darry... Darry just knows how to say things, but this time I don't know if it the words I wanted to hear. And if I'm being honest I don't know what I wanted to hear.

"Because you all have a better time with out me. Look at Steve, he doesn't need me to be happy." I looked out the widow at Steve, the rest of the gang and just stared. "I should have left a long time ago....."

"Meds, no. Everything happens for a reason, and I know you've heard this to many times; but it does. The bad stuff, the good stuff; and even in between stuff. We never want it to happen but it does. We can't go back and change it and even if we could why would you? So you can get a different outcome? No, it would just come right back to bite you in the ass. So stop crying and go talk to your brother." Ah there we go, the Darry I know and love, this. This is what I needed to hear. Don't worry Dally's still here, he's just not the best at talking in these kinda situations. I think it has something to do with his time in NYC, but I'm not sure.

"You're right......." I paused.

"But? Your scared right? Scared he doesn't want to hear anything you have to say? He's your brother doll, just talk." Dal smiled and finally took his hand off my check.

"Okay...Okay. I'll do it. Bu-"

"No buts just go." I was cut off by both the boys.

"Okay, for god sake I'm going." I took my seatbelt off and opened the back door, got out and started walking over to my brother.

All I could think was that he didn't want to hear anything I had to say and he would tell to fuck off. He wouldn't even ex knowledge me. As I thought about this I started to cry again. I didn't want to move away now, I wanted to stay here... I wanted a live with Dallas; and maybe even kids. Treat them better then how I was. I wanted to Steve to be an uncle and the rest of the gang. I wanted to do more track with pony, kick a rock on the sidewalk with Johnny, make stupid ass jokes with Two-bit, bake with Soda and long talks with Darry.

Even if Steve didn't want me as his sister anymore I would still stay here, because, because. Because this is my home too. Not just my physically home but my mental home. I have so many memories here, good and bad; lot of good ones though. Thanks to the guys in the car and in the yard.

A/N- Alright guys, not done with the story yet but I now know how it's gonna end! Thank you for reading and voting, I'm sorry it's taken so long to get to this but we're here and that's all that matters lol. Next part in January! 🤍🤍🤍

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