Chapter 12. Should have stayed

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Damn it, fuck. Why do I have to be so stupid!

I never wanted to run into Kevin, but when your in soc territory you can't not run into him; but the thing that pissed me off the most was that I was alone.

"I swear if you so lay one hand on me..."

"Oooo sweetheart, your too funny."

"I'm not joking kev. I mean it."

He started to walk towards me, so I started to back up.

"Do you remember what I said to last time we spoke?"

"Yes, like it happened yesterday"

I snarled after that, but Kevin smirk. I was in deep shit now

"Well then you know what's coming do you?"

I did but I wasn't going to die tonight, not to night

"I dare you, I dare you to touch me."

"Alright fine"

Kevin came close to me again but this time I didn't move, I was done running from him

He grab my arm, so I bit him; I drew blood

He scream bloody murder after that, I'm not surprised; he'll probably need stitches after tonight

I had blood on my chin and in my mouth, I didn't care because Kevin let go of my arm

"You little bitch, your gonna pay for that."

"Yeah I know you say that every time I do something you don't like, but you know what? I'm done running from you."

"Good it will make it easier for me to kill you."

A creepy little smile came across his face. Kevin is a person who can not and will not change

This time instead of walking towards me he ran towards me, so I ran at him too

We both crashed into each other, but I was smart and turned my head so Kevin's nose hit my temple; not broken but bloody

"Hoe, you little hoe!!"

He wiped his nose with his hand, it wasn't like the way Steve or dally do it. It was more sinister

"Oops did I do that?"

I said all sarcastically, Kevin hated sarcasm

"Yeah no shit! You did that!"

"Come and get me then!"

I started to run, I was still swore fro my dad beatin on me. But I was gonna run

This isn't the same as running away this is running to save my fucking life, I knew he would kill me if he caught me

"Meadow! I swear! I'm gonna get you! If it's the last thing I do!"

"Not if you can't catch me jack ass!!"

I keep running, I think I was running for a good 15 minutes. But I guess I ended up run back towards the Curtis house or the bar I couldn't tell

All of a sudden I tripped, shit this is where I lose. This is where I die. This is the day I don't tell the gang I love them. Or the day I don't tell dally how I really feel about him. This is day no one comes an rescues me, because I told them not to follow me, I told dally to fuck off. I told the gang I didn't need them, well that was a lie; I do need them. I need them right now

"Oh no looks like whore just feel, looks like it's my lucky day"

He came and knelt beside me and pulled out his switch blade

The sound of the blade open gave me chills but I couldn't find the strength to move

"Kevin I swear if you even think about cutting me up I will scream, and the devil will probably be able to hear me"

"Cut you up sweetheart oh no, you should be saying stab."

"Don't even think about!"

"Too late already thought about it"

He put the blade to my neck and whispered in my ear.....

"The devil won't hear you because no one will"


"He can't help you know sweetheart"

He just managed to cut up my neck it was 2 inches long and 2 centimetres deep, but after that I heard a loud thud beside me.

I put my hand on my neck and put pressure, it hurt like a bitch


"Loud and clear big guy."

"Run back home to mommy and daddy and don't you ever come back here."

I heard feet start to go away slowly

"Mother fucker if you go any slower I will throw you on the ground and then kill you. MOVE IT!"

The footsteps got faster and quiet Kevin was gone

I curled up with my hand still on my bleeding neck and start to sob

I couldn't really tell who came to my rescue (I can probably figure it out thou) but I was happy they did

"Meds? You okay?"

Dally, I'm happy he's here; he probably heard me.

I tried to answer him but I just couldn't

"Meds, come on let's go home. I'm gonna touch you okay? I just need to see if your okay."

I nodded my head slightly

He helped me sit up and get me steady, my hand was still on my neck. I didn't want to move it, even if dally wanted me too

"Did he cut you up?"

I nodded my head again, I was still crying

"It's okay, it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore. I'm here. Shhh it's gonna be okay."

Dally's voice was like he was talking to an injured kitten, (I guess he was) I have never heard his voice like this. It was calming

"Do you want to go to Steve or the hospital?"

I still couldn't answer him, not cuz I didn't want to but because I just couldn't

I just looked at him and opened my mouth but not a word came out, he looked at me and I guess he put two and two together

"Okay, one finger for Steve two fingers for hospital."

I put up one finger, I know I need to go to the hospital but I wanted to see Steve first

"I'm gonna pick you up, just keep pressure on your neck, okay?"

Once again I nodded, dally picked me up and started to make he's way to the Curtis house. I just closed my eyes. I wasn't gonna sleep but I just couldn't look at the wold right know.

A/n- thank you for the love 🤍

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