Chapter 1. Date night

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It was about 7:00 pm and I was getting ready for my date with my boyfriend of 2 years, it's a little hard to get some time alone with him and not have people saying rude comments. That's because he's a socs and I'm a greaser.

Don't ask me how I ended up with him, because I honestly don't know myself. I guess the stars were just a lined that day, and I'm really happy they were a lined.

"Meadow you getting ready or what?"

Steve hollered for down stairs. I love my brother very much, even if he is two years older then me. but it don't bother me, I even think I act older sometimes.

"Yeah I am, but you can rush beauty!"

I hollered back, I didn't think of myself as the pretty kind nor did Steve. That's why I could hear him chuckling downstairs,

Kevin Glenn Robert Jr. that's my boyfriend, he's one of the richest socs I know. He drives a baby blue convertible mustang, he always has the new stuff and his parents. Well they don't really care what he does, the only thing they do care about is, why there son is dating a greaser. We've just learned to ignore em.

By know it was 7:30 pm and I was almost done with my makeup. I hate warning makeup it's one of the most stupidest things I've heard of, it makes my eyes itch and makes me look.... what's the word, oh yeah like trash! I only ware it because Kevin tells me too, he can be a little toxic but I just go with it. I haven't told anyone that he hits me sometimes, or gets me to do things that I don't want to do. But when I tell you I love this man I really do, even if my in pain.

My dark brown hair just passes my shoulder blades, I usually just put in two French braids but tonight I decided that I was gonna curl it. I put on a skinny black dress, a pair of  black leather ankle boots. I looked at myself in the mirror, I could see that my green eyes really popped with the white eyeshadow and the winged eyeliner. When I got downstairs my parents were yelling at each other so I just went outside and saw Steve in he's car so I hoped in and he drove off.

"I'm stopping by the Curtis house hold before I drop you off."

"Steve! Why, you know I don't like going around the guys when I look like this."

"I know, I just gotta get something real quick. Besides you can wait in the car, is that alright with you princess?"

Steve was laughing so hard at that last part that him almost hit a cat and then a tree, but he didn't.

"Every funny, smart ass. I know your just gonna tell em anyway I might as well come in."

When we got there I could tell the hole gang was here, which didn't make me feel to hot if you know what I mean. It's not that I don't like the gang it's the fact that I'm already to go on a date and I don't look tough, but whatever it's not the end of the world. Right?

Steve walked in and I hesitated but walked in any way, the second I got in the house jaws were practically on the floor.

"If y'all don't get those dumb ass faces closed I will personally beat all of you!"

Fairly quickly the faces were back to "normal" I walk over to the couch and sat down, being careful not to flash anyone.

I could see Steve walking into the kitchen which didn't make any sense to me, I don't think the thing he came here for was in the kitchen. Then I saw him walk out with a whole ass chocolate cake! I should've guessed, my brother really loves chocolate cake.

"So Meadow I assume your going on a date with Kevin?"

Ponyboy was one of the sweetest greasers I know, he's always checking in on me and the rest of the gang even old Steve. They don't really like each other but they get along just fine.

Pony was always asking about Kevin, which I never understood but that boy really is curious. I think he has an idea of the stuff Kev (Kevin's nickname) does to me, but what do I know I'm just a dumb girl.

"Yeah, we're supposed to meet at a park in the southside at 8:00pm,"

"Sorry to tell you kiddo but umm it's 7:50pm."

Dallas (dally) Winston, dally is a smart ass and goes and causes trouble. But I can never get enough of those deep mysterious eyes, and the dreamy ness he's has to him.

"Oh shit!! Steve we gotta go, know! Thanks guys nice seeing y'all."

Me and Steve ran out the door and all I could think about was, we're not gonna make, we're not gonna make it!

I got there just as Steve's car clock said 8:00 pm, which was impressive. Because Steve didn't hit anything, I said bye to Steve and started to head to the park. I could see a nice little picket set up, which was one of the cutest things kev has ever done.

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