Chapter 6. Wrestle match

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It was a little chilly, but not to bad. Dally was wearing his normal Brown leather jacket, black t-shirt, blue jeans, black boots and his silver necklace.

I noticed something shiny on his ring finger, the ring.

"Dal, did you and Sylvia brake up again?"

"Yeah, that bitch was two timing me again."

Dally and Sylvia were an on and off couple, if Dal said he wasn't getting back with her. Let's just say two weeks later he was back with her.

"So when you gonna get back with her?"

"I'm not."

"Really!? The great Dallas Winston finally done with his whore!?"

I mocked him, no one ever mocked Dally. I did I did it all the time, if he can mock me I can mock him.

"Oh can it Meds, if you weren't hurt today I would wrestle you."

"Oh really is cuz I'm hurt, or is cuz you know you'll lose."

Like I said I'm not that strong and Dal would definitely win against me, but I like picking on him.

"That's it get over here you little brat!"

I started to run like mad, this is when track came in handy. I didn't know where I was going, but I was just gonna run till Dal caught up with me or till I fell.

"Catch me if you can, Loser!"

We weren't that far from the DX, I figure if I could make it there Steve would save me. Not like need actually saving, but I didn't want to get taken out by Dal. As we were nearing the DX I started to scream for Steve and Soda, while I was laughing my head off.


"What in tarnation."


I got to Steve right as Dally got my arm.

"Oh no.. you don't get to hide behind big brother Steve, get your ass over here."

Dal started to drag me to a patch of grass, I try to pull away but no use. I could see Steve and Soda following us, maybe just maybe they won't let this happen.

"So Dally what you doin'?"

"Well Soda this little brat right here said that and I quote catch me if you can, loser!"

Dally said that in the most high pitch voice it made my ears bleed.

"I do not sound like that, your just mad cuz you know you'll lose!"

I stuck my tongue out Dal and glared at him with a smirk.

When dally stopped at the little patch of grass he let me go. I grabbed my arm a started to act like I was in extreme pain.

"My armmmmmmm....Steveeee dally hurt meee."

"Oh prissy princess. Your fine."

I was fine, but I love being dramatic. Especially towards Dal.

"I'll wrestle you, but I have one rule."

"Fine, what is it?"

"Well since I can only see outta one eye, you can only see outta one eye."

"How the hell is that gonna work."

I really didn't know. I could give him a black eye too, but that would take a while to swell up. I noticed a rag in Sodas hand, that will work perfect!

"Hey Soda can I have that rag?"

"Ummmm sure."

Soda handed me the rag, I took it and tuned and looked at Dally. His face said go fuck yourself,

"There is no way in hell you are putting that on my face!"

"Oh yes I am, I don't trust you to just close your eye."

"It should be fine Dally that doesn't have any oil on it yet."

"See Steve said it'll be fine."

The look on Dals face was priceless, it screamed a cat in water.

Dally struggled for a little bit but eventually let me put the rag over his eye. It wasn't anything special just two friends having a good old 1 vs 1.

"Okay these are the rules"

Soda started to say in an announcer voice

"I want a clean fight, no kicking, no hitting, no nose Breaking."

"If we're not allowed to do that, then what the hell are we allowed to do!"

"Dal if you don't want to do this you can drop out."

I said in a whining voice.

"Shut the fuck up Meds, I'm doing this."

"Ok suit yourself."

"Ok fight in, 3........2.........1.....FIGHT!!"

Dally went to go and grab my arm, but I wrapped my leg around his and brought him to the ground. Dal was pissed. He got up and look like a bull who only saw red. Dal was running right for me, oh shit. I could move out of the way but the wouldn't help.

Darry taught the whole gang football, well not the whole game but we all know how to tackle and throw the ball and kick. So I could tell Dal was going for a tackle, I knew I couldn't get out of this.

Just then Dallys body came in contact with mine, I could tell this was gonna hurt when I hit the ground. I knew Dal wasn't meaning to hurt me, but the fact was he was like twice my size.

I hit the ground head first, then Dal landed on top of me. He knocked the wind out of me, I just lied on the ground trying to catch my breath.

Dally got off me, and Steve rushed over and Soda came over as well.

"Meadow you ok?"

I just put my thumb up to Signal that I'll be fine.

Once my breath came back I said.

"I'm fine, just got the wind knocked out of me. And Dal before you say anything, it's fine you didn't mean to do that. It's fine. Now come on let's go to my place so I can get my clothes, and Steve and Soda can go back to work."

We said bye to Steve and Soda and started to walk to my place, Dally didn't talk much. I think he felt bad he hurt me, but I don't know.

A/N I know this ones long I didn't mean to, but I'll try to keep the next chapters sorter. Thank you 💜

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