Chapert 20. The end

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As I got closer to the gate of the Curtis house the guys finally looked up. Two-bit just smiled, Johnny put his thumbs in his pockets and just looked at me; like a little brother would. Soda held the football in his arms and had his usual big smile on his face, Pony looked at me with a smile then he looked at the rest of the guys in yard, landing on Steve last (who was on the ground looking right at me).

At this point Darry and Dally were out of the car and we're just standing behind, because I found myself not being able to open the gate.

"It's okay baby. You can't do this." Dally whispered in my ear.

I opened the gate and started to talk to Steve;
"I know you don't love my relationship but I'm your sister, your little sister; and you should love me. I know you don't want to leave, and I don't wanna leave..... but if that's what's best for dally and me then that's what will happen. ( I was lying ) I love you Steve and I don't wann-" I couldn't even finish what I was saying because Steve hugged me so hard. As I was rambling I guess Steve had gotten up and was just waiting to hug me.

As soon as he's arms went around me, my arms went around him. He's head was buried in my shoulder, and I could hear him crying. Which obviously made me cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love, I love you so much. I couldn't ask for a better sister, but you deserve a better brother." Steve said in between sobs.

I pulled back, but not letting go of him and made him look at me; "I couldn't ask for a better brother because you're the best. I'm sorry to, and I love you more then words; and yeah we have issues but don't all siblings?" I gave a smile and so did Steve. We came in for one more hug and then I felt more body's around me, the gang, my family. We stood there for what like forever.

When we all pulled away I saw Steve and Dally making eye contact, they didn't say anything. I thought oh no but then Darry stepped in;
"Now boys are we gonna have an issue?" Having and hand on each of the boys and cocking an eyebrow.

"No problem here." Steve pulled Dally in a chokehold and messed his hair up.

"Okay, Okay. That's good Steve, before you make me lose all my street smarts." Dally said with a smile.

"You smart yeah right, more like a lost puppy looking around who knows nothing." Soda said with a laugh, which made the whole gang burst out including Dally.

"Okay knuckle heads let's go have so beer and cake, in the house." Darry said going up the steps. We all followed. Shortly behind.

6 months later

"Hey babe, thanks for the ride." I get in Dallys car and give him a kiss. "No problem sweetheart." Dally kisses me back. "Know where are the other two?" Dally said look around outside. "They're coming...I think. Let me go find em." I said getting out the car. "I won't be all" I said walking away

As I walked around the school property calling for Pony and Johnny I bumped into someone.. shit.

"Oh sorry baby." He started to say, when he realized who I was. "Ohhhhh it's you. How's life without me? Miserable? Oh I do hope so." Kevin, the one person I have been able to avoid for 6 months.

"I'm doing great, not like it matters. You shouldn't even care, or know about how I'm doing. Now if you'll excuse me I have to find someone people." I went to walk away when he grabbed my arm. "Listen here bitch I'm goin-" I didn't even let him finish before I punched him in his pretty boy face. "If you ever call me a bitch again I'll kill you!" Just as I was saying that Pony and Johnny came around the other corner. "come on boys let's go." I said to Pony and Johnny, and headed to Dallys car.

I let Pony and Johnny get in first, because they were sitting in the back. Once I got in, I slammed the door. "Easy on car babe, your gonna chip the paint." Dally said looking at me with concern on his face. "Sorry, guess I'm just a little mad." I said crossing my arms. "What did I do!?!? Forget an anniversary? Event? Birthday? Getting an A on a test!?!?." Dally went straight into panic mode. I couldn't help but laugh, same with Pony and Johnny. "What? What did I do!?!?" Dally still had panic in his voice. "Nothing Dal, nothing at all. Just drive." I gave him a kiss and he drove off.

"Remind me to never get on Meds bad side." Pony said looking at Johnny. "i second that!" Johnny said. "What did I miss?" Dally said looking at me. "First off eyes on the road, and I ran into Kevin while looking for Pony and Johnny and long story short I punch his pretty boy face." I smiled saying the last part. "Now that's my girl!" Dally smiled so big, that it made me smile even more.

Once we got to the Curtis house, the rest of the gang was already. Seeing that it was a Friday, Darry probably got of work early same with Steve and Soda and Two-bit didn't work so he was probably at the house in the early afternoon.

"Hey boys!" I said getting out the car. "What we doing today? Football or the movies?" I knew that Soda, Steve, Darry and Dally would want to play football and Pony, Johnny, Tow-bit and myself would want to go to the movies.

"Why not both? It is only 3:00pm." Two-bit said/ asked. "I think that's a marvellous idea Two-bit." Darry said. "Alright let go to the park!" Soda said grabbing the football.

As we walked to the park I could help but think I have it all. I have the most amazing boyfriend, a brother I wouldn't change and a family like nun other. I've had some rough patches, but don't we all? It's what we do to get out of them and how we moved forward, making sure we don't go back.

A/N- hey guys sorry it took so long to finish this story! I hope you like it though. I'm currently working on another one but I won't release it until it basically all done. If you like this story please vote and comment! 🤍🤍

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