Chapter 15. You two!?

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"Well ummmmm... I....the thing is....."

Dally couldn't be any more of a man? I mean come on get it together

"Dally, come on I want a straight answer not some well... I..... uhhhhhhh"

"Okay, okay. I did."

That was it just a I did you did what? Like man Dals vocabulary was really showing right now

"You did what?"

I knew he knew I knew what he was saying but I wanted him to actually tell me

"Meds are you serious?"


"Fine, I did tell Steve that I love you; because it's the truth. You mean a lot to me, and it's hard for me to put it into words."

I knew exactly what Dally was saying because I felt the same way, it was gonna be hard for the both of us to say what we truly wanted

"Dally I didn't know you felt this way, but the truth is so do I. Dal if I didn't have you, well I probably wouldn't be here; and I don't mean dead I mean away from here."

The look of shock came across he's face. Did I scare him? Was he expecting me to run? Whatever it was he wasn't expecting me to say what I said

"You love me?"

"Dallas Winston I don't just love you, I love you so much it hurts."

I was really telling him the truth. It hurt when I wasn't near him, or when we weren't talking. Dallas Winston was my everything

He looked like he had a few tears in his eyes

"Oh Dally no don't cry."

"There happy tears, happy tears."

Dally got up from Darrys arm chair and came and sat beside me, he just hugged me; I hugged him back. This was nice I could stay here all day, just in his arms; but like everything it had to end. Dally pulled away and looked at me with love in his eyes

"I'm sorry."

"Dally what are you sorry for?"

"For not being here for you sooner."

I put my hand on his check and wipe away the tears, he looked so tired

"Dal, did you get any sleep last night?"

"Ha no. I guess you can tell cant you?"

"Yeah, let me sit up more and get comfortable then you can put your head in my lap and rest."

"That sounds great."

I fixed my position on the couch, dally then put his head on my lap; I put my hand on his head and started to scratch his scalp. Dally relaxed right away

"Dallas Winston I love you."

I whispered in his ear, he smiled and then he truly was a sleep

I put my head back into the back of the couch and drifted off

I was awaken by a loud noise, I guess Dally heard it too because he practically jumped out of my lap. I opened my eyes and saw Two-bit

Two-bit? What the hell. What is he doing here? I mean I guess this is everyone's home in the gang, so the question wasn't what it's why

"Oh my god! you two!? Steve's gonna flip when he sees this!"

"Two-bit go away, we're to tired to deal with your shit."

Dally spoke up for the both of us. He said it in a of kinda of piss off tone but also I don't care what you do just leave us alone. Dally had a way with words

"Yeah no not happening, besides the rest of the gang is coming over. Steve and Soda picked up Johnny and Pony up early from school, and Darry was just walking around the corner."

I thought about getting up but I just didn't care anymore, I was happy

Darry came in the door with a bag of groceries

"See you two talked haha"

"Haha very funny Dar, let me guess Steve's gonna walk in the door right about now?"


I lent down to Dally's ear and told him to not get up or move, we were happy so if Steve can't live with that then he can walk out

Dally responded with a smile and a small nod

"Hey y'all what you up t- oh my god! Steve's gonna freak! But you two are so cute!"

Soda always spoke his mind around me and Dal, he's thought we should date for a long while now

Pony and Johnny were in the house next. Johnny had a proud smile on his face and Pony up two thumbs up

Me and Dally both chuckled, our family is the best

Then the big bad wolf walked in, I wasn't ready for this; not today

He looked right at me then Steve looked down slowly. Here it comes


I couldn't help but laugh at him, I was laughing so hard it hurt; Dally joined in. I didn't think it was that funny but it was to well at least us two. The rest of the gang just stood there, kinda awkward


"Oh yes it is, I'm not dead. I'm just cuddling with my boyfriend; nothing to see here."

Dally and me hadn't actually asked or said if we wanted to be a couple or that we were dating, but I knew Steve was gonna flip when he hard that

"I'm sorry YOUR WHAT!"

Haha knew it, my brother's to predictable

"Yeah Steve nothing to see here."

Dally. I really didn't want Dally to say anything because I knew that Steve would freak out. I wasn't mad at Dal but I couldn't do anything about so

"Dallas I swear. get away from my sister."

Steve said that in a very serious tone, not gonna lie he was getting more and more creepy. But not creepy like a man who like kids but creepy as in I'm gonna kill you and no one will find your body. I've never seen him like this

"Steve that's enough, Dally didn't do anything wrong. Your over reacting; me and Dally love each other if you do like that leave."

I was being serious if he didn't like this then he could leave. Steve has told me multiple times that all he wanted for me was to be happy, well I'm happy now; but I guess he's not happy that I'm happy

A/N- hope you like this chapter sorry it took longer to get this one out🤍

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