Chapter 4. Im sorry

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When I woke up I was in a room I didn't quite recognize, it was clean so it couldn't be mine or Steve's room. Was I still at the Curtis home? I was starting to get anxious, when I heard the door start to open I sat right up. I couldn't find anything to use as a weapon so I just sat there, and waited till the door was opened.

It was Darry, this must be Darry's room. Because if it was pony's and sodas room there would be clothes on the floor and books.

"Meadow your a wake, did I scare you? Sorry."

Darry really did feel like a father figure to me, he's always been kind to me.

"No it's fine Dar I just didn't know where I was, that's all. What happened after I past out?"

"Well I guess Steve could see what was gonna happen so before you hit the floor he caught you, and pick you up and put you on the couch. Then I got the first aid kit and cleaned you up, I told Soda to grab some ice to put on your eye. All the boys left about 4:30 in the morning, except for Steve. We let him sleep on the couch, while I took you upstairs to my room. Don't worry I slept on the floor, Steve and Soda went to work only because I said that I would stay with you."

I slowly lied back down on the pillow taking in what the night before brought.

"Thank you so much Dar I really appreciate it, and you didn't have to sleep on the floor."

"Meadow it's not a problem, all the boys are worried out of there minds."


"Yeah, especially dally. Do you want some food?"

"Food would be awesome, can I come downstairs?"

"Yes of course! Just be careful when you walk down the stairs, I don't want you falling because you can only see out of one eye."

Really dally worried about me, that asshole could care less about me. Or did he care to much?

I haven't eaten since yesterday before the date, so I was starving.

I started to open my eyes, or should I say eye. My left eye was completely shut, I reached my hand up and touch my eye. It was all puffy it was the weirdest feeling ever, and I hated that I couldn't see.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, the first thing I did when I got into the bathroom was lock the door. I usually don't do that when I'm at the Curtis's, but I did today. I looked in the mirror and just stared at myself, is this what the gang and my brother had to see? They really saw me at my weakest, my eye was black, purple, red, yellow, green you name the colour. I had I cut on my forehead, I have no idea how that got there. My knuckles were bruised, and my feet had a few cuts but I think that's from walk-in' around barefoot.

I started to Break down, I was sobbing and I couldn't stop. I sat on the floor with my back to the wall, and put my head in my lap. When I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Darry.

Darrys POV

It had been awhile since I talked to Meadow, I was starting to get worried. So I decided to go up stairs and check on her, when I heard her crying in the bathroom.

I knocked but no answer, she just got quite but I could still tell she was crying. I knocked again and still no answer, I was debating on kicking the door down but I thought it was best that I try and talk to her.

"Meadow, are you ok. I'm a little worried, Meadow please talk to me."

"I..I'm fine...."

She said in between sobs.

"No your not fine, your sobbing like crazy. I'm calling Steve."

"NO! Don't, I don't want to bother him."

"If you don't want me to call Steve, come out of the bathroom."

I got no answer, so I went down stairs and called the DX.

"Sodapop here, how many I help you."

"Hey buddy, can you get Steve for me?"

"Sure thing Dar!"

I could hear some ruckus in the background, Soda was pretty clumsy.

"Hey Darry what's up?"

"Hey Steve, it Meadow she crying in the bathroom and I can't get her to come out. You think you can help?"

"Damn, that girl can be so stubborn sometimes. I'll be right over."

It was about 10 minutes before Steve opened the door, and he headed straight for the bathroom.

Meadows POV

I was finding it harder to breathe, but I just couldn't stop crying. I've probably been crying for 20 minutes, and to be honest I don't know why. Maybe it was because I felt defeated, or the black eye, or the fact the I've been abused for the past two years without realizing it, maybe it all was just adding up.

When Darry knocked on the door I didn't want anyone to see me like this, it was bad enough that they saw me last night.

I really didn't want to see Steve right know, but I wasn't gonna get out of the bathroom.

I could hear Darry on the phone, and that just made me cry more. I'm usually not this emotional, I'm pretty good at keeping my emotions blotted up. I guess the lid popped open.

I heard Steve's car pull in, here we go. How long can I hold him off for? Let's push him, without pushing myself to far.

"Meadow open the door."

Here we go.


"Meadow Randle, don't be a dumbass."

"Oh yo...your the... one tal..talkin'."

"Oh.... really is that the way we're going? Don't make me do it."

" wo...wouldn't."

"Oh yes I would, try me. Open. The. Door."


"Meadow Elizabeth Lucy Randle. Open the door know on."

I opened the door slowly with I look of I'm gonna kill you, but I let him in and him in only. Steve shut the door behind him.

"Steve I...I'm sorry."

A/N I know this chapter is long, thanks for reading 💜

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