Chapter 9. Over a mountin

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After I screamed at my dad I slammed the door, and walked down the front steps.

I was staring at the ground. My checks were hot, which meant that they were red. I could feel the blood on my forehead dripping down, my hands were quite swollen. My legs were aching, my ribs felt like they were gonna fall off.

I looked up...Dally..Poor Dally looked like he was gonna have a heart attack.

I've never seen him so pale. Dally looked like he should sit down, not me.

I was about 2 steps away from the gate when.

"What the hell happened in there!"

"Dally come on, it's not that bad."

I was sugar coating it, I wanted to collapse into his arms. But I wasn't gonna show that it was that bad.

"Meadow Randle you are lying to me, you look like shit. You look sick, your all wobbly, and your bleeding. So don't tell me it's not that bad."

"Dally I'm fine now let's go."

I opened the gate and tried to get passed but dally, grab my arm.

It was gentle this time, like he wanted to help me.

"Meadow please, I just wanna help."

I looked into is eyes, he really did want to help me.

I bursted into tears, I really did want to leave this place. I wanted a better life. I looked down to the grown.

I could feel my face being brought up. Dallys hand was under my chin, he brought my face up so I could see him and he could see me. His thumb wiped away the tears on my left check.

"Come on let's take you to Curtis house."

We started the 15 minute walk the Curtis house, dally and I were walking side by side. We were both quite but it wasn't awkward, it was calming. Until.

"So.....ummmmm what you said to your dad about wantin to leave... is that..... well is that true?"

I really did want to leave, I felt like there was nothing here for me. Like I don't belong, Steve belongs here. I don't belong here.

"Dally think I would leave? Because if you do that's funny."

Yes I know, I know, I lied again, but I can't break he's heart anymore.

"Well I mean...."

"I'm gonna stop you there. No, ok no I won't. I say that to piss my dad off that's it. Okay?"

"Yeah okay I guess."

This 15 minute walk felt more like a hike, if I didn't say something now it was gonna be a trip to the hospital.

I was getting dizzy and my eyes were starting to get all blurry. It was getting hard to walk and Focus.

"Dally....I need some help."

"What's wrong?"

"I just..... I just...... can't.... any.... anymore."

I started to fall over, I was trying so hard not to but I just couldn't stand anymore.

I thought I was gonna hit the ground, but I didn't. Dally must have caught me, I could feel him picking me up in bridle style.

"Your gonna be ok Meds, your gonna be fine."

I think I went out cold after that because I started to think of a cabin by a lake side.

I always wanted to move some place with mountains everywhere and a lake, I guess you could say that it was my scape place.

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