Chapter 14. Finding love

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I woke up feeling a little better, but my hand wasn't on my neck any more

Am I dead!?!? I touched my neck hoping to find something there

I did it was a banged up

Darry's the only one the only one who has a key to his bedroom, so he must have do it last night

Last night! Omg! Dally, something about dally. Damn it what was it! I couldn't think of it, sometimes I hated my memory

Speaking of memory I couldn't quite remember what happened last night....wired

I tried to sit up in Darrys bed but I couldn't get up, I knew that Darry was probably gonna be up soon to check on me

He usual knocks before coming just in case I'm getting changing, I love Darry a lot he makes me feel safe every time I'm at the Curtis house

It was 9:30 am and I didn't know what the time was when I went to bed last night but it was pretty late

"Meds? I'm coming in."

"Okay Darry."

Darry opened the door he had a basket under his right arm; medical supplies

"How you feeling kiddo?"

"Like shit."

I usual was honest with Darry especially if I was injured

"Sorry to hear that, but you also look like shit."

He smiled his soft smile, Darrys joking was usual a kind-funny way; if you dig

"Yeah I bet, haha"

He walked over to the bed, helped me sit up and put a couple of pillows up against the backboard, so I could have something to lean up against

"Okay, I'm gonna take that bandage off."


Darry started to take the bandage off and it was fine until he got to the final layer


"Oh sorry, the bloods probably a little dry."

"Yeah no shit."

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go and get a damp cloth."

"Okay, shut the door please."

"Yeah no problem kid."

I was pretty sure Steve stayed and Pony and Soda live here so I really didn't wanna a bunch of boys coming in the room

Darry left shutting the door, I was left in silence; it was nice

I wasn't thinking this time, just blank

Darry knocked on the door and came in with the damp cloth

"This might sting a little, but it shouldn't be to bad."

He came and sat on the bed next to me (well on my right side) he put the cloth gently on the cut and just patted the cloth on the area

"Owww, I thought you said it wouldn't be to bad."

"Well it's usual not, but your cut might be a little infected."

"Infected!?! But it only happened last night!"

"Yeah I know, but your hand wasn't clean. Meadow; I'm gonna have to take you to the hospital."

Darry knew I hated the hospital, he would never ask me to go to the hospital if I didn't want to. That's why I knew this was important

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