Chapter 5. The talk

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"I really did want to tell you Steve about everything."

"Meadow what are you talkin' about?"

At this point Steve was kneeling beside me and had his hand on my shoulder, I decided that I need to tell him everything. I looked into his soft blues eyes and just started talking, from when it first happened. Which was two years ago, I was 13. 10 minutes past and I was at the end of my story.

"Steve I wanted to tell you but I wasn't fully aware of it myself, until last night. I broke it off with Kevin."

At this point Steve was hugging me, and his shoulder was soaking wet. I had clam down, but was still crying. 

Steve was one of the only people that could get me to calm down, he never had to say stuff. Steve was just there to listen, and that's what I needed.

I pulled away for Steve's shoulder and looked at him, he's eyes said he was proud of me and I'm worried about you.

I looked down, but Steve pulled my face back up and wipe the tears away.

"I'm glad you told me know, but why didn't you just tell me when it first happened?"

"I thought that.... well I thought you be disappointed in me.....the gang was already disappointed when I said I was dating a soc."

"Oh sweetie, no. I would never, it's not your fault that dude is an asshole."

"Thank you."

We huge and it lasted about 5 minutes, when Steve finally said.

"You need food and I need to get back to work, Darry will look after you the rest of the day."

He walked me downstairs, and when we got to the door I said bye. I could hear Steve's car having trouble starting, but he finally got to start and left.

"You want some food know kiddo?"

"That would be great Dar."

Like I said I hated it when Dally called me kiddo, but when Darry did I didn't mind it.

I sat on the couch and before Darry made me breakfast, he got me a bag of ice to put on my eye.

I realize that I haven't yet change out of the dress, and shoes that I wore for the date. My makeup washed off with my tears, so I think I'm good there.

"Hey Darry, do you have any extra clothes I could borrow?"

"Look in Pony and Sodas room, I'm clothes won't fit ya' kiddo."

I went up to Pony and Sodas room, and looked in there closet. I found a jeans jacket, a pair of jeans and a plan black shirt. I just got changed in there room, when I was in the clothes I felt a little normal but not fully.

I could smell the beacon for downstairs, Darry must be done making breakfast. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, with the bag of ice well water know.

I sat a the empty table, Darry put my plate on the table. I said thank you, and he left to go clean the house.

I don't think I ever heard the Curtis house so quite, I shouldn't have said that. Cuz right on cue Dally walked in, it's not that he's loud he just annoying.

He came into the kitchen turned his chair around, and sat down looking at me.


I said with a mouthful of food

"Nothing, just wanted to know how ya' doin', And don't talk with food in your mouth."

"Oh you the one talkin', I'm doing fine."

Dally never asked how anyone was doing, well except for the time Johnny got jumped.


"What you doin' here dal?"

"I was bored, you wanna go somewhere?"

"Your asking me if I wanna go somewhere? Your looking at me right?"

"Yeah, what's your problem?"

"I look like shit."

Darry walked into the kitchen with a bucket, Dar works to hard. He's always cleaning up after Soda and Pony, and he has two jobs.

"Hey Dally, what you two talking about?"

"I want Meds to go somewhere with me but she doesn't want to."

Meds is a nickname the gang gave me awhile ago, I'm not a huge fan of it but it's better the doe. Tow-bit maybe that mistake once, he never called me that again nor did the gang.

"It'll be good for you Meds, I think you'll be fine with Dal."

"But I have to, Dals so annoying."

Darry gave me that look he's not that bad, he had his dad face on. That meant I was going with Dal whether I liked it or not.

"Fine, let's go."

I got up and walked to the door, and put on a pair of black Converse. I could tell they were Pony's, they were and little lose but not bad.

When we got outside I could see that, Dally looked kinda happy. Weird. I've never seen Dal like that, it will be fine right?

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