Chapter 16. Steve

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Steve's POV

  I walked out of the Curtis house knowing that the only place I had left to go was home. But I wasn't gonna be around Dallas tonight, I couldn't after what he told me.

I walked to my house, not thinking; just blank

I opened the door and started to head up to my room, my dad was asleep on the couch; so he didn't notice

I got to my room and then all the thoughts started to hit me right in the face

Why, why I thought. Why would Dallas say that, I mean he can't be serious. Was he though? Did he truly love my little sister? No. He couldn't. Dallas could never

I went to bed thinking of everything that was said at the Curtis house

I woke at around 8am perfect timing too, I guess I forgot to set my alarm. I got changed into my work clothes and headed for work

When I got to the DX Soda was there, he's probably been there since 7. Sodas always been an early morning person

"Hey buddy! How you feeling?"

"Hey Soda, like shit, like total shit."

"Last night huh?"

"Yeah, but I'll be fine once I get some grease on my hands."

"Well your in luck because there's a car with your name written all over it. Common let's get started."

I liked working on cars, it's the one thing that keeps me sane

It was a soc car, a red mustang. I hated working on a socs car but they pay good; and they'll never say it but us greasers do a better job at fixing a car then those dumb socs do

"Man, I don't think I've seen you work this slow since Johnny got beaten up."

I guess I was working pretty slow I was still on the first wheel, by now I'd be on the third

"Wanna talk about it?"

I hated talking about life n stuff or my problems but I don't know how long I can keep this bottled up for

"Yeah, but we have to keep working."

"Sounds good."

"Okay so last night you know how me and Dally started to argue....."


"Well he told me he loved Meds."

"Yeah I heard that, kinda hard not too."

"So I walked out, you know how I feel about Dally. And now he tells me he loves her? And I know how Meds feels, I see the way she looks at him. I just. It makes me mad. You dig?"

"Yeah I dig, you just gotta let it go. You want her to be happy yes? Steve come on. She could be dating another soc, do you want that? She'll be happy with him. Dals not gonna hurt her."

"Yeah I want her to be happy, no I don't want her dating another soc. I know Dal won't hurt her but......"

"No Steve no buts. Let it go."

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