Chapter 17. POVs

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Dally's POV

She looks so perfect, well that's because she is. She's just scratching my head nothing special right? Wrong, it means the world to me

I looked at her after the scratching stop, she nodded off. I don't blame her. Meds has been through a lot this past couple of weeks, it was time she got a break

I nodded off again after I knew she was fine. The next thing I knew there was a loud noise, I practically jumped out of Meds lap. Once I calmed down and lead back down in her lap I realized it was just Two-bit making a bunch of noise

I looked at him and then said

"Two-bit go away, we're to tired to deal with your shit."

I think was speaking for both me and Meds

Two-bit responded

"Yeah no not happening, besides the rest of the gang is coming over. Steve and Soda picked up Johnny and Pony up early from school, and Darry was just walking around the Conner."

Of course they all were, of course the day I finally get happy; and Meadow gets happy everyone is coming over. And this was just becoming the best day of my life.


I was hanging out at the bar, I've been there since 2 in morning; my usual. But I couldn't tell you what time it is now

I was drinking my 10th drink when jimmy the owner (I don't go to the bar close to the Curtis house I walk a little to town) came over to me and said I had a phone call, told me to go to the back

I found my way to the phone. I can act perfect sober, walk in a straight line and talk without scrambling my words. The only thing is my vision is blurry; but who needs to see an way

"Hello your talking to Two-bit how many I help you?"

"Hey Two, it's Soda."

"Yeah I could tell."

"Me and Steve are picking up Pony and Johnny up early from school and then going to the My house, so start walking there. Also stop drinking now. We'll have drinks there."

"Sounds good buddy!"

I hung up the phone and walked back to where I was sitting grab my beer, payed for it and started to walk to the Curtis house

I walked alone a lot of time, kinda got used to it but I always carrie a blade with me

When I got to the Curtis house I walked in not expecting to see Dally and Meds cuddling on the couch together

"Oh my god! You two!? Steve's gonna flip when he sees this!"

He really was, he hates Dal as much as me hates socs

Dally kindly told me to fuck off, I didn't obviously. I wanted to see what was going to happen

Sodas POV

Steve can really be uptight, especially when it comes to Meadow; but she's his little sister so what do you expect

Steve came into work looking pretty stressed out. (He's usual not) so I decided to ask him about, well not ask. I told him that he was working pretty slow

He told me what was up, nothing crazy; just trying to be a protective brother. I told him to let go. He agreed to that

I told that we should go pick up Pony and Johnny early from school and grab some beers and I'll call Two-bit at the bar at let him know what the plan was

He smiled at that, letting me know that it was a yes

When we got to my house I got Pony and Johnny to grab the beers out of the car and the grab the two cigarette packs that I ended up buying

Darry was in the house first, the me; I really wanted to shower. When I got inside I wasn't expecting out of the ordinary, but I should have

"Hey y'all what you up t- oh my god! Steve's gonna freak! But you two are so cute!"

I saw Dally and Meadow cuddling on the couch, I was not ready to see what Steve was gonna do

Johnny's POV

When me and pony got picked up from lunch unexpectedly by Steve and Soda, we couldn't stop talking. We had two classes left, but Soda and Steve wouldn't take no for an answer

We had to stop at the store to get beers and I asked Soda if he could get some cancer sticks. I get nervous a lot, those this help a lot; we'll at least the shaking

Steve scared me sometimes especially when he hated Dal so much, come to think of it I don't know why he hated Dal so much. I know he likes Meds and Meds probably likes Dal but what's the harm in that? Nothing, I see nothing wrong in that

When Soda got back in the car we headed right for the Curtis house. We saw Darry right close to the house; Steve slowed down so Soda could say hi. After that we pulled into the drive way

Soda got me and Pony to grab the beers

When I got inside after Darry, Soda and pony I saw my two favourite people cuddling

Pony's POV

Getting into Steve car I felt guilty, I hated leaving school with no purpose. Darry cared a lot about my grades, even thought Soda tells me all the time that he couldn't care that much because he dropped out; but the truth is I think Darry wants me to go to college. Darry never was able to because of me and Soda

When we stopped at the store me and Johnny keep looking at each other, we weren't the biggest fan of Steve but I dealt with him more because he's Sodas best friend

When we got home I went inside after Soda and saw Dally and Meadow cuddling on the couch. They're so cute

Steve's not gonna Ming to be happy

Darry's POV

When I left Meadow and Dally alone in the house, fulling knowing that they both liked each other I was expecting them to "talk"

I stopped at the grocery store to pick up stuff for breakfast, the walk was nice

When I was heading back I saw a car slowing down I was expecting to get jumped but it was just Steve, Soda, Pony and Johnny

I thought it was a bit weird to see Pony and Johnny in the back especially sense it was a school day

But I figured Soda was trying to make this better because of last night

Soda told me that Two-bit was going to be at the house as well. Yep good old Soda trying to fix something that's not even that broken

When I got inside before everyone else I saw what I was expecting to see

"See you two talked haha."

The rest of the gang came in after me, the last one to come in was Steve and he flipped out

A/N- Hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry it took awhile to get this one out, I had a bit of writers block 🤍

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