Chapter 2. Date night pt. 2

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When I got up to the spot I saw that kev was wearing a light gray suit, with his usual black dress shoes. Kev always wares a full suit when we go on dates, but I really wish he would just ware some normal clothes of once.

"Hey baby."

Kevin said with a smirk on he's face, I never liked when he had a smirk. Because that usually meant I had something coming my way.


I let it ring out into the cold night air, as I got closer it just started to seem off. Why were we outside? We always had your dates inside, why was he just standing there? He usually always meets me half way a walks with me till we get to the date spot. So many questions, but before I could say another word in my head. He hit me.

This wasn't like the times before, no this time it felt like it was right to the point. Like this was the only reason he brought me here, like that's all I was here for.

I held my face in my hands and held back tears, because I knew that if I started to cry Kevin would hit me again.

"Know, sit down let's have a chat."

This must be really serious, kev never says let's have a chat.

My hreat started to climb, I was sweating by the buckets and I thought I was gonna pass out.

"Have I done something? And if I have you need to tell me right know Kevin, I mean it."

"Whoa don't need to get all feisty with me, I don't think you want a black eye for tomorrow. Do you?"

I really didn't, but it's not like I haven't had a black eye before. I never use makeup to cover the hit marks or the bruises, I just tell people that I fell or walked into a metal pole. It always works, well except for ponyboy he's always trying to figure out if I've actually fallen or if it's something else.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. Your just making me nervous, you never say let's have a chat."

Kevin didn't say a word for a while I would say about two minutes, he finally leaned over to me and I thought he was going in for a kiss. But no it just can't be that simple with him.

He grabbed my checks and turned my face to him and said

"Now listen up girlie, if I ever see you talking to another guy that isn't your brother or me we're gonna have a problem. And I don't just mean a little hit, its gonna be a broken nose or an arm. shall I continue?"


I said while trying to wiggle out of his grip, kev was in football for the longest time and then decided that boxing was the way to go. So seeing that I couldn't, get out of his grip didn't surprise me. Or him.

When he finally let go of my face, I started to rub it which made it worse.

Does that mean I can't see or talk to the gang!? The gangs my family, there all I got besides Steve. I go over to the Curtis house when my parents are yelling, that's my safe place. And he's just gonna tell me I can't see or talk to em!?

"And yes hunny that means those stupid idiots."

One of my worse fears come to life, not being able to see my family.

Is it really just gonna be me?

A/N I know it's a short chapter it gets better 💜

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