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COMING 2021👀

'You're such a fucking hypocrite Kree. The way you went off at Angel for breaking it off with Kerrys via text and you went and did the same thing. And to top it all off, you disappeared off the face of the earth for months.' She exasperates.


'I'M NOT FINISHED YET!' Damn! She's gotten ballsy since I last saw her. It's hot. She's hot. She's fucking sexy when she's angry. I can't help but smirk at her, as she continues to let rip. '...AND NOW YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CAN'T BE WITH?' My jaw clenches at her remark. 'ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE? IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHO I-'

I grab her jaw and slam her against the wall. She tries to disguise the moan that slipped from her mouth from my action but I heard her loud and fucking clear. Gripping ahold of my wrist, trying to prise it off her jaw, I hold firm, causing her to huff. She's glaring up at me, panting heavily and I glare at her right back.

'You're mine!' I seethe and she scoffs. 'No-one will ever give a shit about you the way I do.'

'Toxic much?' She quips.

'Especially not some wannabe fucker.' I couldn't believe what I saw when I first came back. I am gonna fucking kill him.

'He's more of a man than you'll ever be.' She's trying to make me jealous. 'And boy, what that mouth can do...' It working.

'Shut the fuck up!' I fume.

'Why, what's the matter? Not liking what you're hearing?' She asks. I continue to stare her down as she continues. 'It's the truth.' She shrugs. 'He treats me right and most importantly, doesn't make promises he can't keep.'

My heart squeezes at how much I've fucked up and let her down. If only she knew...

'Did I mention how amazing he is in bed?' She knows just how to push my buttons.

'Are you finished?' I ask, feigning boredom, when in reality my blood is boiling and all I want to do is find him and smash his skull in for touching her. For touching what's mine!

'I've barely gotten started!' She whispers, smiling wickedly. 'Now you know what it felt like for me to see you with someone else!' She tries to push me off but I hold her against the wall. She flickers down at my lips momentarily, her resolve faltering ever so slightly, before resuming her hard glare. 

'I hate you!' She seethes.

'No you don't!' I pray she doesn't. Because if she does, then I'm fucked. I lean my forehead against hers, caressing her nose with mine and her body relaxes at the small gesture. 

'Yes I do.' A single tear betrays her and I lift my hand up to swipe it away. 'You broke my heart.' She whimpers, gripping ahold of my shirt.

'I know baby. I know.'  I whisper.

'Let me go.' She sniffles.

'I can't.' I cup her face, hoping she recognises the double meaning.

'You already did.' She takes advantage of my weakness, slipping out of my hands and further away from me.



Keep this book in your library as we'll update you on the release of BOOK II.

Don't worry, we won't keep you waiting for long!😈

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