Chapter 11

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How do you expect me to stay away from you when you looked the way you did?

It's Monday morning and I've been staring at thIS message for the past two days. What is he trying to do to me? I'm dreading seeing him, but there is a part of me that can't wait.

I finished getting ready and go downstairs, where Shay is waiting for me at the door. 'Some of us like to get to school on time.'

'What are you talking about? We have 30 minutes to get to school.' I swear this girl confuses me.

'Whatever, just hurry up, I wanna see Luna, it's her birthday,' Shay says.

'Right, come on then,' I grab a blueberry muffin on my way out to the car.


Walking to gym class with the girls, we get stopped not once, but twice by a girl from the dance team and mystery boy Luca, both wanting to take Theia to the dance.

'They're both so hot, I'm gonna have to take shifts, spending two hours each with them both because I can't decide who to go with,' Theia ponders.

'Do you think they would mind?' Kayla asks

'Who cares, I won't tell them,' Theia winks.

We all laugh as we carrying on the gym class.

'Is there any way of getting out go this class? I can't be bothered with Miss Brown today?' Kayla complains.

'You can never be bothered with her,' Kerrys rolls her eyes.

'I'll meet you guys in there, I'm just going to the bathroom,' I tell the girls, as we break away.

Walking towards the bathroom, an arm grabs me and pulls me round a corner, making me slam against the wall. I'm about to go off at this person when I look up and see those familiar sectoral heterchromia eyes.

'Kree! You scared me. What are you doing?' I exclaim.

'I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked on Saturday night,' He says moving closer until there's no space between us. I swear this boy gives me whiplash.

'Well, you could have told me then-'

'Did you get my text?' He cuts me off.

'Yeah,' I look away slightly.

'And?' Kree furthers.

'And what? What do you want me to say?' I fire back. He doesn't say anything and we're just stand there looking at each other.

'Was there anything else? I need to get back to class,' I try and show indifference but my heart is pounding out of my chest.

He steps back from me and shrugs. 'Yeah actually. I think it's going to be difficult for me to stay away from you.'

Wait. 'What?' I anxiously ask.

'We go to the same school and we live next door to each other. We're bound to bump into each other, therefore I think we should try to be friends,' He replies.

'Oh,' I try not to sound too disappointed. 'Yeah, that makes sense, you know, if you can keep your hands off me.'

He looks away, chuckling at my response. 'It's going to be hard.'

'Ugh, you're disgusting,' I try to conceal my smile.

So, friends?' He smirks out.

'Friends.' I smile.

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