Chapter 10

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This week has been so long. I haven't spoken to Kree since the incident on Monday evening, dampening my mood all week. I'm just glad I've got the twins' parents wedding anniversary party tonight, so hopefully that will brighten my mood, seeing as it's Saturday.

Tonight I've decided to wear a red strapless jumpsuit, with a black clutch and black heels. 


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After putting the finishing touches to my outfit, I hear this incessant horn coming from outside and I already know who it is before I look out of the window.

'Bitch, if you're don't get your ass down here, you can find your own way there.' Theia shouts in between her horn.

'You know I can drive right?' I say bemused out the window.

'Just hurry up please.' Theia fires back.

Shaking my head chuckling, I grab my clutch off my bed and head downstairs. 'I'm off to the anniversary party, see you later,' I shout to my parents.

My parents enter the hallway. 'You look stunning honey, have a good time,' my mom says, whilst my dad looks at me in shock.

'It's a bit much isn't it?' My dad questions

'What he means to say,' my mom starts, hitting his arm, 'is that you look beautiful.'

'Oww - yeah beautiful,' my dad grumbles out.

'Thanks mom. You're so whipped Dad,' I laugh out. I walk out shouting bye before he can reply.

'Wit woo, don't you look fancy. Sexy lady in red. I'd totally do you, if we weren't best friends and you know, if I was attracted to you.' Theia says casually.

'Um thanks... I think. Anyway, look at you. You're killing it in this dress. And those shoes. How are you driving in those inches?' Theia looks incredible, with her multi-coloured, dragon patterned dress. 

Theia's Outfit

Theia's Outfit

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